Everything is Political

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Re: Everything is Political

Post by rischka »

happy so called labor day USA

some things that aren't taught in school - why is US labor day in september while everywhere else it's in may to commemorate the haymarket riots in chicago??? why don't people know about the bread & roses strike or the battle of blair mountain?? wake up sheeple! (not youse guys :p)
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Post by Lencho of the Apes »

In September because May 1st is tainted with International Communism, too close to home for libruls like FDR.
The opposite of 'reify' is... ?
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Post by rischka »

i don't expect schools will teach it anytime soon

heads would explode

I'd still take fdr over stalin I gotta admit 🤭
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Post by rischka »

mexicos high Court threw out abortion restrictions wednesday saying they're unconstitutional and violate women's rights. furthermore mexico will have its first female head of state next year. vamanos hermanas!
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Post by pabs »

Maybe Mexico will need to build a wall now, to keep Texans out.
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Post by --- »

If recent legislation is a sign of things to come, I think it's more likely that Texas itself will be trying to stop Texans from going to Mexico
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Post by rischka »

the recent murder of a california woman for flying a pride flag is making me want to get one. i wore a pride mask during covid and several people told me they didn't know i was 'one of them.' i explained that i was an ally

hilariously conservatives are still mourning lost civility - like jim crow laws and lynching or the days when being gay was illegal and women couldn't open a bank account.

they know they're losing - sarah palin said recently that if the left keeps persecuting trump they'll have no choice but civil war

mike huckabee says if trump doesn't win the next election it will be the last one settled with ballots instead of bullets

gosh i wonder why we can't be friends with these people. i hope i'm 'one of them' - a humanist

ps the shooter was a fan of matt walsh of 'what is a woman?' fame... (they'd like all women to be 1950s housewives please)

grand jury in GA recommended charging LINDSAY GRAHAM, Michael Flynn, boris epshteyn, David Purdue and Kelly Loeffler. no wonder Lindsay's been keeping a very low profile 🤭 ANY sitting senators that were involved should be OUT including Graham and Grassley (who is 86 or something anyway)
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Post by rischka »

oh good we're headed for another budget shutdown as the freedom kookus tries to prevent socialism by defunding the justice department and CDC

they've inserted measures restricting abortion and gender-affirming care in 8 of the 12 budget bills they need to pass

and they've threatened to remove mccarthy unless impeachment proceedings against radical socialist joe biden are initiated

surely they're right around the corner from finding some actual evidence. trump's own dept of justice investigated biden for 4 years and found nothing to charge. biden's taxes are public and a US attorney has been scrutinizing hunter for more than 5 years. but it doesn't matter because trump is screaming for revenge against the most corrupt president in history (socialist joe biden). they're trying to undo trump's first impeachment for withholding aid to ukraine contingent on zelensky announcing an investigation. trump had the US ambassador removed when she objected to rudy's shenanigans and some of his cohorts went to prison. but it doesn't matter - as mccarthy said after months and months of benghazi - it's only about making poll numbers drop!! and ofc distracting from the 91 felony charges facing their preferred candidate. how long before this creaky old machine grinds to a halt :cry:
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Post by rischka »

LOL trump in an interview yesterday said he opposes 6 week abortion bans and that they're 'a terrible thing' (they're polling badly)

more than a dozen GOP states have moved to effectively ban abortion and at least four others are moving toward a 6 week ban since roe v wade was overturned by trump's supreme court appointees

incredible :lol: i do think white evangelicals are the core of the MAGA movement so we'll see how this plays out now

and on the final day of rosh hashanah he (again) attacked 'liberal jews' for trying to destroy israel and america

jews should 100% support fascism otherwise they are showing 'a total lack of knowledge and great disloyalty'

and several states this week moved to leave the american library association: montana, missouri and texas say the association is seeking to sexualize children. some missouri candidates even participated in a symbolic book burning. why not just stop teaching reading in schools. it's the only way to protect children from dangerous ideas. none of this is new; GOP have long wanted to defund public education

thx for tolerating my ramblings, i'll try not to become damian by keeping it to once a week or less :D gonna be a long year
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this guy is pretty good. labor notes on the strike

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Post by rischka »

what happens when people who don't believe in government are put in charge of government.... McCarthy is purged for working with democrats to stop a government shutdown - and the freedumb caucus couldn't have done it without democrats votes. IRONIC. anyone's guess what happens now. no speaker will satisfy the 'crazy 8' while Dems control the Senate and presidency. and one of the lunatic fringe is my own representative :x

rumor has it gaetz hates McCarthy for not backing him more forcefully during the investigation into his alleged sex trafficking (which has been reopened now) the longest serving GOP speaker was convicted sex offender Dennis hastert. I don't expect gaetz to be removed when they're still hanging on to serial fabulist George santos. if it wasn't for gerrymandering they wouldn't have their (very slim) majority and they know it. maybe Gym Jordan will get in - he was hastert's asst coach at Ohio State while he was molesting wrestlers there so that would be fitting. any wonder the Q party is so obsessed about sex trafficking... it's all projection with these people

also looks like a lifetime of fraud is catching up to the Donald?? in the end being president brought too much attention :? SAD (mostly for our country)

can I say how proud I am of these women prosecutors tho :D I hope they have a phalanx of bodyguards
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Post by rischka »

another failed vote for house speaker. at this point just give it to hakeem jeffries and get on with it!~

20 GOP votes against jordan. mccarthy's vote took 15 rounds and ended with his allies threatening/begging Matt gaetz for his vote so that's how we got here

can't we just organize a parliamentary system like civilized people :x

edit: Jordan needs 17 votes, Jeffries needs 5 :lol:

Jordan is trump's candidate and the guy leading the Biden impeachment inquiry. he still doesn't admit that Biden won the 2020 election
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Post by flip »

it seems to me that if some sane republican (there are still a few of those?) put their name forward, someone democrats could trust, then that person could get half the republican votes and half the democrat votes, and then maybe there'd be a speaker both parties could work with, and who could put forward legislation that almost everyone agrees on, like fixing bridges or funding the government or whatever. but i don't expect that to happen.
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Post by rischka »

that's the dream!! i'm not sure there are five sane republicans left, they either quit or were voted out. overtures have been made but they're too frightened

some moderates are holding out but expected to fold. trump's grip on the party is strong

i expected a split like two years ago. it's a zombie party now


i don't see how they're not doomed in 2024. a bunch of their gerrymanders have been thrown out by the courts too. but never say never after the last few years

(we all may be doomed)
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Post by rischka »

LOL Jordan lost even worse today 🤣 he flipped only 2 and lost 4 others - all of whom accepted the electoral count on Jan 6 (2/3 of house GOP didnt)

this is encouraging

i'm sure they're recieving death threats
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Post by pabs »

Krack Hen Sidney Powell just pleaded guilty in the Georgia election interference case and will now be a witness against the Orange Idiot. He's f-cked now. Fani will bury him alive.
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Post by rischka »

another live vote in the house speaker race where some republicans seem to have found their long hidden backbones in light of the orange man's current weakness

i hope they got something good from the kraken lady - like her unencrypted phone. her defense in the dominion case was that her statements were so outrageous no one could be expected to believe them -- the alex jones defense. so not sure what her testimony is worth

the move to empower the temporary speaker fell through yesterday - they'd need democratic votes to do it and no one can be seen working with satanic groomers

and kenneth (cheese) chesebro has pled guilty!! to a felony! NOW i believe trump is in serious trouble
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Post by rischka »

if you're wondering how all this is going:

comer dropped a bombshell in the biden impeachment investigation: Joe loaned his brother some money and his brother paid it back. results of one YEAR of investigation at the taxpayer's expense. meanwhile we STILL don't have a house speaker. Trump called the last nominee a RINO while comparing himself to Nelson mandela

the latest nominee is a close ally of the former president and represented him in two impeachment trials (which they're trying to get expunged) and helped in the attempt to overturn the election. wonder how many GOP congresspeople are silently chanting LOCK HIM UP :?

the desperation is palpable. a third lawyer flipped in the georgia case and mark meadows has reportedly been offered immunity by jack smith, special counsel in the jan 6th case

meanwhile the world burns
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Post by rischka »

i think dems and timid centrists should collectively back liz cheney. trump will have a stroke, possibly saving the expense of multiple federal trials

trump in new hampshire on monday:
“On Day One, I will immediately restore and expand the ‘Trump travel ban,’” he pledged to the cheering crowd. He interrupted his prepared remarks for a riff about how his opponents tried to stop his ban in the courts, which they did successfully to an extent. Then he continued: He would also “halt all of the refugee settlements to the United States.”

“I will implement strong ideological screening of all immigrants,” he said, reading from the teleprompter. “If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel,” he continued, apparently ad-libbing, “if you don’t like our religion — which a lot of them don’t — if you sympathize with the jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you are not getting in. Right?”
freedom of speech for christians only

oops looks like the reconstituted spines didn't last very long... a terrible outcome. Johnson is an election denying, anti-choice, anti- LGBT fiscal arch- conservative. just change the party's name to MAGA and prepare for govt shutdown D: sadly things are still going bannon's way. Trump may be a long shot but don't count him out
“when you really think about it, after being hounded like a dog for three years, told you’ll be going to jail for the rest of your life … If you say BAD THINGS about that terrible ‘MONSTER,’ DONALD J. TRUMP, we won’t put you in prison, you can keep your family and your wealth, and, perhaps, if you can make up some really horrible ‘STUFF’ [about] him, we may very well erect a statue of you in the middle of our decaying and now very violent Capital, Washington, D.C. Some people would make that deal, but they are weaklings and cowards, and so bad for the future our Failing Nation.”
he was just fined $10,000 for violating his gag order
President Biden called Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Wednesday afternoon to congratulate him on his election, the White House said.

Per the White House, Biden “expressed that he looks forward to working together to find common ground on behalf of the American people.”
sorry? this person doesn't even acknowledge that you are the president. AFTER THREE YEARS

every republican speaker since newt gingrinch has been forced out by the far right. the party is irrevocably broken. this guy (i already forgot his name) got everyone to sign on to ridiculous law suit filed by texas objecting to other states voting for biden that was laughed out of the far right supreme court. he will do everything in his power to cause chaos and contest next year's election. also he's an evangelical so extremely into israel :?
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Post by --- »

he also has gone on record claiming that there were two t-rex on noah's ark
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Post by rischka »

you seem skeptical
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Post by --- »

if t-rex was on noah's ark, then how do we still have little animals like chickens and other things the t-rex could easily destroy? checkmate, creationists
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Post by rischka »

As a member of Congress, Johnson blamed women who received abortions for the financial difficulties of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. According to Johnson, if women were producing more "able-bodied workers," those programs — and the economy in general — would be much better.
:pirates: :pirates: :pirates:

a Christian dominionist now 3rd second in line to the presidency

he also tried to stop same sex marriage and interracial marriage in Louisiana. and supported teaching the Bible as a history book! this party needs to spend 40 years in the wilderness atoning for their bigotry. but then...

https://www.mediaite.com/politics/speak ... -democrat/

he said george floyd was murdered and we need systemic change? matt walsh of the daily wire is big mad and loony laura loomer called him an 'undercover democrat' LMAO

apparently he has a black adopted son who faces more challenges than his caucasian son. so he's capable of empathy toward his own family and not a complete monster (?)
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Post by --- »

i cant believe im even saying this, but fucking damian was right

he was neither nice to talk with, capable of reason, nor good at communicating, but in hindsight, it might've done me some benefit to at least have taken his perspective a little more seriously
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Post by rischka »

I still think he was wrong abt putin being a good guy but i get it.. at this point I can't support Joe biden.
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Post by wba »

what happened?
"I too am a child burned by future experiences, fallen back on myself and already suspecting the certainty that in the end only those will prove benevolent who believe in nothing." – Marran Gosov
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Post by rischka »

his unconditional support for israel. he's probably the only person with the leverage to stop this.

those are our bombs falling on gaza
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Ah, ok.
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Post by Pretentious Hipster »

Yea I am huge into Palestine for years now, and this obviously made things a lot more serious. However, I've lost a lot of friends over it already (I'm pro-Palestine, and although Hamas did a terrible thing I saw it as inevitable pushback), so it's best not to post about it elsewhere.
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