eh, i've been hanging on to this for ages and not got to it yet, mainly because i'd read pretty much the same assessment as above. i guess koenigsmark suffers from the same problems (altho, since i adore jaque catelain, even in films like this one where he's slightly mis-cast, i still enjoyed it)
from what i understand perret went to america to make movies and came back having changed his style of movie-making from total control of editing, cinematography, lighting, set design etc to movie-set segmentation where those kind of decisions were delegated to a team...i guess the films lost a lot of his previous intimacy, his unique reflexive style/humour, but gained in spectacle...
i suppose i'll watch it one day (cool to see that it was produced by pornographer natan, who i'm watching a doc about for 2013 poll) but in the meantime i'm still working my way through these (charming, but no english subtitles) ... 7619865602