Everything is Political

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Re: Everything is Political

Post by der kulterer »

jiri kino ovalis wrote: Sun Nov 08, 2020 1:22 pm ofc all this might even happen due to some "spiritual" awakening (ppl will start in grand scale doing yoga, get locked in dark chambers experiencing sensual stimuli deprivation, will start doing long-distance walking pilgrimages, dervish dancing, etc. etc. etc.)
right now i am watching...
THE LAST IMAGE (Judith Zdesar, 2020)
What’s it like to live with vision loss? This film is a survey of the lives of people living with visual impairments who have either already gone completely blind or are slowly losing sight of the world around them.
and when i checked the other films by Judith, i stumbled upon...
From someone who moved away to learn about fear. The flight in the dark to Greenland begins with a farewell to the sun, which glows as a red ball in the cabin window. Upon arrival, camera and microphone have to battle the ice-cold wind. Only fragments of bundled-up figures that have somehow gotten into the circle of light can be discerned; no colors. Nothingness begins in the blackness right next to the flashlight’s beam. Dominating inside, in the island of warmth, are yellow, red, and flesh tones—colors with a high color temperature. Isolation seems to have dissolved here in an atmosphere of mutual trust. Experiences are exchanged, instructions given. The darkness and cold are not only geographical, meteorological, and physical phenomenon—qualities related to the light waves (on film material)—but deeply rooted atavistic ones. Darkness is hostile to life; unpredictable, associated with existential angst and death. The present film presents a self experiment in which fear, loneliness, and exposure to a foreign context are explored in a cinematic diary. Eyes, one’s own and the lens of the camera, gradually adjust to the darkness. It gets lighter in the end. Nuances of gray, blue, and sometimes a fragile pink begin to shimmer from the shapeless void. But polar bears and the unspeakable continue to threaten in the night. One is meant to take care when the dogs bark; but when the dogs always bark?
which reminded me of another doc which i watched few days ago...
WHITE ON WHITE (Viera Čákanyová, 2020)
Viera Čákanyová’s video diary that she kept while staying at the Polish Antarctic station, where in 2017 she shot the film FREM (2019), whose main character was an artificial neural network. During her stay, the author chats with various artificial intelligences, leading conversations that touch on the nature of film, art, and the meaning of life while also revealing a way of thinking that’s free from humanity and from an emotionality that forces deep introspection. Footage from her routine, everyday life at the station contrasts with lyrical images of the immaculate Antarctic nature.
in sum, these films should be played (besides serving acid) on political rallies to encourage introspection and as a consequence will be also raised awareness of the environment and climate change.
Last edited by der kulterer on Sun Nov 08, 2020 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by liquidnature »

Haven't been on here in a few days, but just to clarify my viewpoints and reason for posting lest they are misinterpreted or taken out of context, and to reply to some previous posts:

- I don't hold any animosity towards anyone here, despite wildly disagreeing with most viewpoints.
- Not an accelerationist, I'm conservative.
- No affiliation with Qanon (nor do I fully understand what Qanon is, though I could probably research it) or reddit or whatever platform it stems from.
- I try to only view unbiased and non-partisan news sources whenever possible, whether from websites, certain forms of social media, or podcasts. No mainstream news. Fox News is often worse than CNN, but nearly all of them are untrustworthy propaganda used to drive narratives and cultivate groupthink.
- Personal views: Christian, conservative, constitutionalist, pro-free speech, pro-2A, pro-life, pro-LGBTQ rights (even if disagreeing with various elements such as pronoun usage mandates; see 1A), pro-Israel (sorry kanafani), pro-Trump, pro-capitalist, anti-cancel culture, anti-socialist, anti-marxist.

Will try to make a few simplistic points below, as I have limited time to type the remainder of this message. My purpose previously, though seemingly taking the form of parody, has been to use truthful hyperbole in an attempt to cull from you the inner voices of reason which might unveil personal and political hypocrisy.

- I do not believe Trump is a racist. No evidence has been presented to convince me otherwise (CNN or NYT opinion articles aren't evidence). Trump is not a white supremacist, nor are any conservatives that I have ever seen or met. Richard Spencer and most modern white supremacists are either registered democrats or voted for Joe Biden. Trump denouncing white supremacy for 8 minutes.

- I do not believe Trump is a fascist, and no evidence has been presented to convince me otherwise. If he were, he's the least effective fascist of all time. He's never censored a single contrary viewpoint or controlled any form of speech or expression, which tech companies such as Twitter and authoritarian governments such as China do millions of times per day. Ironically, the Left, by a wide margin, attempts to control speech and expression more than any other group or collective ideology currently in power.

- Biden has not won the 2020 United States Presidential election, no matter how many articles and opinion pieces the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, Vox, the Wall Street Journal, or the Washington Post writes making such a claim. Elections are not decided by media, but by law and the Constitution. States must accurately count, validate, and certify all votes lawfully before the appointed electors cast their electoral votes for a presidential nominee.

- "Logic and reason and stuff" Democrats have refused to acknowledge Trump as their president for the past four years, citing Russian collusion and election rigging despite federal investigations, litigation, and an impeachment process, all of which provided zero empirical evidence of interference. Now, Democrats claim "elections can't be rigged! accept our CNN results you losers! we must come together and unite now, nevermind that we threw a global temper tantrum and undermined democracy for the past four years because we didn't get our way! it's all the orange man's fault! he does the mean tweets and stuff! he's basically hitler! godwin's law!"

I'll check back in a few days maybe. Have a good morning, Sunday morning.
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Post by der kulterer »

liquidnature wrote: Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:36 pm Personal views: Christian, pro-capitalist, anti-marxist.
so, proly not a Roman Catholic (rather some Christian "heresy"), considering Pope Francis being anti-capitalist (one would almost say "marxist").
i just want to say "conservative" okay, but "pro-trump" c'mon!
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Post by rischka »


i spoke with one trumpie person today. she said it's not over til it's over. uh i think it's over when the orange man cries :cry:

word is he's already trying to cut a deal to avoid felony charges in new york. i'm afraid it's not looking good.
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Post by der kulterer »

now, i hope i am really making the last post related to Trump.
but sympathy for the Devil (i mean Donald) is really sickening.
i truly believed when the iron curtain fell and (Stalinist) autocratic figures were either shot (Ceaușescu) or removed from power (too many to specify) this shit is over in the East (not to speak of the West).
but here we go with Lukashenko or Trump.
i agree Biden is an asshole but this is a different degree of assholism (different one of the 50 shades of gray).
Trump is a narcissistic psychopathic asshole beyond limits who has zero values (in terms of Christianity or conservativism), knowing only the value of the cash.
all Christians (of any denomination — with the exception of followers of "theology of prosperity") should praise Lord that Trump was exorcised from the White House.
Last edited by der kulterer on Sun Nov 08, 2020 11:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by nrh »

jiri kino ovalis wrote: Sun Nov 08, 2020 8:24 pm so, proly not a Roman Catholic (rather some Christian "heresy"), considering Pope Francis being anti-capitalist (one would almost say "marxist").
i mean francis was hardly ever in favor of the liberation theologians? though he has been softer towards their legacy in the last decade than the church historically as a whole.
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Post by der kulterer »

to be honest, i dont care much about Pope Francis and his specific mindset but he is the figure often labeled as "anti-capitalist" or "marxist" so i expect someone who labels himself as "Christian", "pro-capitalist" and "anti-marxist" will have an issue with Pope Francis and thus will hardly be a Roman Catholic. i am somewhat curious about what specific Christian denomination can lead to Trump affinity. with "theology of prosperity" it is clear, but what about the rest? i am not completely familiar with the American Christian landscape. i will be glad to hear what Christian denomination (besides "theology of prosperity") is compatible with Trumpism?

otherwise, my fav American Christian denomination is those guys who go around with venomous snakes and are proving their loyalty to Lord by withstanding snakebites. i expect those also vote for Trump, or? i have seen them in the film...
and i wish to watch related...
JUST A LITTLE BIT CRAZY (Will Dotter, 2004)
HOLY GHOST PEOPLE (Peter Adair, 1967)
SNAKE SALVATION (tv-series, 2003)
HEAVEN COME DOWN (Michael Mees, Gabriel Wrye, 2006)
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Post by rischka »

LOL yes those are some of the people. they're called evangelicals. i grew up in southern baptist church (a denomination that was formed in opposition to northern baptists, who were abolitionist). their big issue now is abortion but they were known then for being anti-civil rights. and they are everywhere. i believe the issue is white supremacy

the snake people are penecostal specifically. USA has the largest group of evangelicals but they're all over the world. luckily i escaped
Last edited by rischka on Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by der kulterer »

so evangelicals (penecostals) are snake handlers who are fond of Trump?
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Post by rischka »

no penecostals are evangelicals. so are baptists and some other protestants. evangelicals are fond of trump (or alot of them are). he couldn't win without them

falwell was probably key. trump was blackmailing him over some sex stuff (typical). they're all conmen, if i may say so
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Post by FLABREZU »

- "Logic and reason and stuff" Democrats have refused to acknowledge Trump as their president for the past four years, citing Russian collusion and election rigging despite federal investigations, litigation, and an impeachment process, all of which provided zero empirical evidence of interference. Now, Democrats claim "elections can't be rigged! accept our CNN results you losers! we must come together and unite now, nevermind that we threw a global temper tantrum and undermined democracy for the past four years because we didn't get our way! it's all the orange man's fault! he does the mean tweets and stuff! he's basically hitler! godwin's law!"
Other than late 2016 and MAYBE early 2017, I haven't seen a single person seriously say that Trump isn't their president, let alone anyone in a position of power. I haven't seen anyone say that Russia rigged 2016 the election. I've seen plenty of people say that Russia interfered in the election, which is undeniably true. There've been indictments, the FBI has confirmed it, the Senate Intelligence Committee confirmed it, and even Trump himself eventually admitted it: "“While Russia’s actions had no impact at all on the outcome of the election, let me be totally clear in saying — and I’ve said this many times — I accept our intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election took place."

It's very weird for you to say that there's been zero empirical evidence of Russian interference when there's been so much, but to still support Trump when he's making these claims of election fraud and voter fraud. He already tried this when he claimed that 3-5 million illegal votes were cast for Hillary. He subsequently put together an election integrity commission that disbanded after several months because they found absolutely no evidence of widespread voter fraud. The Heritage Foundation then tried to investigate voter fraud, and found fewer than 2,000 cases over the past 38 years. Trump's already had multiple lawsuits thrown out because of a lack of evidence, at least one of which was by a judge that he himself appointed.

Trump appointed the director of the FBI, the Attorney General, 3 supreme court judges, over 200 other judges, and both Arizona and Georgia have Republican governors. He has all the partisan support in the world in his favour, but so far he's proven absolutely nothing and has still been making outrageous claims and throwing a tantrum nonstop since it became clear that he was going to lose. Hillary was right all along:

https://twitter.com/lexasmithx/status/1 ... 6379269120
Last edited by FLABREZU on Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by kanafani »

jiri kino ovalis wrote: Sun Nov 08, 2020 9:50 pm i am somewhat curious about what specific Christian denomination can lead to Trump affinity.
The denomination of pragmatism. They elected trump so he can appoint conservative judges, and he more than delivered.
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Post by MrCarmady »

- I try to only view unbiased and non-partisan news sources whenever possible, whether from websites, certain forms of social media, or podcasts. No mainstream news.
I'm not gonna engage with the rest of your post because frankly I don't think it's a good use of my time to argue with someone who's still a Trump apologist after four years, but I'm curious about this bit, what websites, what podcasts? As far as I know any form of media will carry its own target audience and its own bias of sorts with it, whether mainstream or not, but maybe you've found some sort of cheat code?
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Post by der kulterer »

so, in the USA there are?...
1/ evangelicals
1.1/ baptists
1.1.1/ southern baptists (anti abortion, anti civil rights, anti abolition, white supremacy — Falwell)
1.1.2/ northern baptists
1.2/ penecostals (snake handlers)
1.3/ prosperity gospel (cash handlers — Paula White, Norman Vincent Peale)
2/ roman catholics

and pragmatic affinity to Trump have southern baptists, snake handlers, and cash handlers, right?
Last edited by der kulterer on Sun Nov 08, 2020 11:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by rischka »

and probably some catholics depending on how pro-life they are? i can't speak for everyone i left the church long time ago lol

it's said they picked up the abortion issue after they were shamed on civil rights which sounds about right. MLK was a baptist too

and like kanafani says, they are whipped into a frenzy so it's the only thing they care about. single issue voters. they make mad excuses for trump

thus they are an easily controllable voting bloc and something like 1/3 of trump's support. horrifying isn't it

if i seriously believed the shit they do, i would assume trump was the anti-christ

oh also israel is very important. cuz it has to be destroyed for the rapture to happen. so basically a death cult who want the world to end.

i don't think trump really gets any of that. but he was raised in norman vincent peale's church which is 'prosperity gospel'

personally i find 'organized' religion disgusting and these people are obvs easily manipulated by conmen
Last edited by rischka on Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by der kulterer »

i guess, to make it somewhat less complicated i will tell my Bohemian friends that my American friends told me Trump is supported by cash handlers, snake handlers, and helter-skelter-accelerationists. Trump's triple crème de la crème!
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Post by rischka »

yes very good way to sum it up 8-)
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Post by der kulterer »

rischka wrote: Sun Nov 08, 2020 10:39 pm he was raised in norman vincent peale's church which is 'prosperity gospel'
so, this is a film about Trump's tutor, rigth?...
ONE MAN'S WAY (Denis Sanders, 1964)
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Post by rischka »

omg yes that's him! my mom had some of his books.

one more thing, trump obvs wants to do a fascist coup but he's too incompetent. these people would still support him cuz it's 'god's will'
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Post by der kulterer »

i see, the same director made a short...
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-1968 (Denis Sanders, Robert M. Fresco, 1969)
i never heard about this film.
so i am politically saturated for today, i guess.
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Post by rischka »

lol me too.
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Post by Pretentious Hipster »

liquidnature wrote: Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:36 pm My purpose previously, though seemingly taking the form of parody, has been to use truthful hyperbole in an attempt to cull from you the inner voices of reason which might unveil personal and political hypocrisy.
I get that. I cull people into the far left by initially presenting myself as a third world maoist.
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Post by Pretentious Hipster »

liquidnature wrote: Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:36 pmpro-capitalist, anti-cancel culture, anti-socialist, anti-marxist.
Funny. You say this, but in the other thread you said this:
liquidnature wrote: Fri Nov 06, 2020 9:41 pm Citing "logic and reason" while bathing obliviously in the global MSM orwellian technocratic echo chamber and vowing penance to marxist sjw ideology while typing away on your white-privilege chinese poverty-wage computer. Okay.
You make fun of us for buying PCs from china when they exploit their labour to maximize profits, but then call yourself pro-capitalist where doing that is practically the very definition of capitalism. Is it bad because those filthy chinese communists did it, but it's ok if America does it? To make things more odd, these capitalists exploit their labour even further by outsourcing their work to places like china and bangladesh because it's so much cheaper, almost like it's actually America's fault that the other countries are getting paid poverty-wage.
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Post by rischka »

i hope i wasn't rude about christians as there are MANY churches that oppose trump. as it should be.

sometimes i'm not sure they've even read the bible of which they claim to believe every word. jesus was a big socialist. but whatever
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Post by rischka »

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Post by --- »

this is great and all but i don't agree with the concept that this wasn't a close election. popular vote was what, 75m to 70m? that......is frighteningly close
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Post by nrh »

it is also 4 year anniversary (how time flies) of modi's insane demonitisation action in india. didn't really get covered abroad but just a totally insane, horrifying thing.
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Post by Pretentious Hipster »

Was it the one that was like "oh btw we made a new set of bills and the ones you have don't work good luck replacing them."?
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Post by flip »

bure wrote: Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:43 am this is great and all but i don't agree with the concept that this wasn't a close election. popular vote was what, 75m to 70m? that......is frighteningly close
taking the vote margin as a percentage of all votes cast, it looks like biden's win will be roughly in the 25th percentile of 'closeness' (meaning 1/4 of all usa elections have been closer, 3/4 have been clearer cut). i'd call that a close election, but not an extremely close one, numerically speaking. trump's 2016 win was obviously way closer by that standard (since he lost the pop vote); it was in the 5th percentile, so 19 out of 20 past elections were won by bigger margins, and you have to go back to the 1800s to find someone who lost the popular vote by a greater percentage margin but still became president.

i imagine that's not what you meant though - if you meant it's frightening that someone manifestly corrupt and incompetent could come within 3% of winning the popular vote, i agree. i expect democrats will adopt this narrative, that 'the election wasn't close', when they do a post mortem on the process, and they'll think that vindicates their biden selection. but given the opponent, i see their small margin as evidence of political ineptitude.
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Post by wba »

liquidnature wrote: Sun Nov 08, 2020 7:36 pm Personal views: Christian, conservative, constitutionalist, pro-free speech, pro-2A, pro-life, pro-LGBTQ rights (even if disagreeing with various elements such as pronoun usage mandates; see 1A), pro-Israel (sorry kanafani), pro-Trump, pro-capitalist, anti-cancel culture, anti-socialist, anti-marxist.
I like this part (and I also like everyone here on this forum), so I will try to give my compressed views as well:

Personal views: anti-atheist, anti-christian, anti-islam, anti-buddhist, anti-hindu, pro-free speech, anti-pro-life, pro-LGBTQwhatever, anti-israel, anti-hamas, anti-Trump, anti-Biden, anti-Clinton, anti-Obama, pro-Sanders, anti-capitalist, anti-cancel culture, anti-marxist, anti-american, anti-post-'79-iran, anti-china, anti-EuropeanUnion, anti-fascist, anti-racist ... puh, give me some more and I can tell you more.

Anyways, I hope this thread stays peaceful or as peaceful and civil as it is right now. :cowboy:

PS: I probably should admit here that I think (and always thought - even if you had asked me in 2010) that Trump is a sociopath dangerous for anyone and everyone around him (but especially for himself!), simply a batshit crazy idiot and nobody I would ever want in any position of power whatsoever (not even as a janitor). But I also thought ever since he announced his candidacy that he was going to win the US-election in 2016. Anyone can figure out for themselves what that means in regards to my view of the american "democratic" system or the people living in that kind of culture...
Last edited by wba on Mon Nov 09, 2020 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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