IT'S HIM, HE'S COMING!! (i'm excited too, clara!)
i looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove* danish silents!!!!!!
*if they star valdemar psilander & clara pontoppidan
the man without a future - holger-madsen (1916)
streaming: ... en-fremtid
such energy, love seeing them in films together....and whilst psilander is a sex god, this particular film is clara's....i love her...
even got some 60's new wave kitten thing going:
those two can even make holger-madsen enjoyable...and maybe i am beginning to see beyond his penchant for masochistic purity (happily none of that here, even if no actual filth) into something of his style, recognised this:
that popped up into his trip to mars a couple of years later:
but this one is MUCH livelier
think way of a (danish) gaucho...the barn dance with horses was insane
i've suspected this before, but i swear the entire film crew keep on trying to make each other laugh...
and valdemar clearly enjoying playing the rough is some eternal statement of something
her expression is priceless, are you really gonna eat like a pig?
oh i see yes, yes you are
so the women retreat to their cute dogs in the vain hope of repressing their undying lust
but ultimately, what makes this and all their other films so hot, are the locked gazes. i've never seen any other on-screen couple look so long, often and lustily into each others eyes. SWOON
drowning in 'pearls'