What are YOUR 10 most important, significant, best, whatever films of all time?
Please post your Top 10!!!!
The same you would have submitted had Sight & Sound asked you!

Will VERTIGO topple CITIZEN KANE on SCFZ as well? We'll find out soon...
EDIT: as this might not appear quite clear from the above information: only post 10 (read: ten) films, TV episodes, advertisements, music clips, Youtube-Videos, TikTok videos, film series episodes, etc. So for example there should be NO Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Wire, Les Vampires, Tih Minh, The Perils of Pauline, Dr. Mabuse the Gambler, Die Nibelungen, 47 Ronin (Mizoguchi), Heimat, The Decalogue, Kill Bill, Lord of the Rings, The Human Condition, The Cremaster Cycle, Berlin Alexanderplatz (Fassbinder), Godfather I+II, Twin Peaks, several Bugs Bunny Cartoons, several Coca-Cola ads,a number of installations, a number of interconnected TikTok posts, etc. grouped into one slot.
If several "parts of one" / "parts that belong together" / "parts that are actually one long film" are really so dear to your heart you can use as many of the 10 available slots for them as you wish. The whole point of the endeavour is to limit yourself - not to find out how much stuff you love you can squeeze into 10 slots.
DO NOT GROUP THINGS TOGETHER IN ONE SLOT, please. Thank you very much.