What are you listening to?
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- Location: Prague, Bohemia
i read in the booklet...sally wrote: ↑Sun May 29, 2022 4:41 pm (and ofc there is a czech silent)
https://ace-film.eu/wp-content/uploads/ ... e-2022.pdf
so, anyone, anxiously awaiting the "Prague Executioner", can meanwhile listen to "Mama Bubo" → https://www.deezer.com/en/album/140927402A new musical accompaniment has been commissioned to Vlastislav Matoušek, a musicologist, composer, performer and researcher. He is the founding member of the legendary new wave band Mama Bubo. His compositional style draws heavily from his research interests, namely Czech folklore and historical music. One of the most interesting names of Czech alternative and contemporary music, always partly in the underground and partly in the academic world, Matoušek constitutes a perfect fit for The Prague Executioner – his hurdy gurdy compositions are well known to experimental music connoisseurs worldwide.
Skončíš jako já (1985) = you gonna end up like me
Nemám tvář = i have no face
V Čechách najdeš přítele = you can find a friend in Bohemia
(MaaaMa BuBo, Endless Illusion Records)
they certainly do pick interesting choices to accompany the silent films. but mama BUBO? (are you kidding me? as in owl?) i will definitely give these 2-3 specimens a listen
they certainly do pick interesting choices to accompany the silent films. but mama BUBO? (are you kidding me? as in owl?) i will definitely give these 2-3 specimens a listen
- movie tickets forger
- Posts: 3347
- Joined: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:30 am
- Location: Prague, Bohemia
- movie tickets forger
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- Joined: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:30 am
- Location: Prague, Bohemia
just a reminder that this guy (whom i already presented several times on this forum & who just released a new gibberish review of his new music instrument/synthesizer) is the (local) heir of Vasulkas — he proceeds in "A Dialogue with the Demons of the Tools".
BOX1 mini synth review
he was featured by the "Vasulka Kitchen Brno" in 2020.
PETR VÁLEK: Figments (and other stuff) → https://vasulkakitchen.org/en/petr-vale ... ther-stuff
BOX1 mini synth review
he was featured by the "Vasulka Kitchen Brno" in 2020.
PETR VÁLEK: Figments (and other stuff) → https://vasulkakitchen.org/en/petr-vale ... ther-stuff
oh i meant to write: angel olsen's album is pretty damn country
(see above)
(see above)
The latter song is the opening for Irma Vep HBO series.
The latter song is the opening for Irma Vep HBO series.
ok i'm ready to say, after 6 months or something?? i like tidal. but spotify algorithm is better. i still go there :p
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- Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2018 4:38 am
I saw Francois Breant's name in the credits of Haut Bas Fragil, and I remmembered him as one of those prog-rock/keyboard-whiz types from the mid-seventies that I never got around to back then, so I finally checked him out. I sorta wanted something more spacier and less fusionyor "symphonic-prog" style, but it was okay.
The opposite of 'reify' is... ?
- movie tickets forger
- Posts: 3347
- Joined: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:30 am
- Location: Prague, Bohemia
- movie tickets forger
- Posts: 3347
- Joined: Sat Sep 05, 2020 12:30 am
- Location: Prague, Bohemia
What does a black hole sound like?
i'm sure i do that every year since forever
for reals check this out tho
https://analogafrica.bandcamp.com/album ... rica-nr-34

https://analogafrica.bandcamp.com/album ... rica-nr-34
a very good new music day - tindersticks (doing a claire denis score), bill callahan, brian eno (signing!), lucrecia dalt, kali uchis single.
also will say i've not always liked tyler childers but i do like the new record, recommended for the few country music fans on here
also will say i've not always liked tyler childers but i do like the new record, recommended for the few country music fans on here
THANK YOU i need distractions for the next few weeks lol