I went into the kitchen from my living room earlier but forgot what I wanted so I came back
you guys someday i'm going back to this beach

i still have my souvenirs

in a couple weeks it'll be a year but it seems more like 10

i still have my souvenirs

in a couple weeks it'll be a year but it seems more like 10

I've been to Stockholm loads lately! (First it was Japan, then China, & now this guy shows up, if anyone has anything similar somewhere else....)
Been meaning to move there for ages as I love the city and most of my closest friends are based there, just haven't found the right window of opportunity until now.
Fantastic! One day I will go to Sweden to visit a friend, and see some SHL games there... make a pilgrimage to Fårö to see where Through a Glass Darkly was filmed... 

I would also like to go to Gotland one day. I'd mostly be interested in walking around in Visby tho.
bfi have put tons of travelogues on their site (would also suit snow zone for some anyway)
https://player.bfi.org.uk/free/collecti ... -the-earth
https://player.bfi.org.uk/free/collecti ... al-society
annoyingly none of them are on letterboxd. loads of feature length silents - more shackleton antarctic stuff filmed after 'south' (spoiler, he dies), 202 mins (!) of a 1924 arctic expedition, TWO 1946 docs across frozen canada (one colour & silent, one B&W w/sound), 1hr 1930 silent across bolivia by j c bee-mason of the 1911 life of the honey bee fame (not a coincidence, he changed his name because he loved bees, but by 1930 there were also anacondas)
and this 'under sail in the frozen north' 1926, looks delicious

https://player.bfi.org.uk/free/collecti ... -the-earth
https://player.bfi.org.uk/free/collecti ... al-society
annoyingly none of them are on letterboxd. loads of feature length silents - more shackleton antarctic stuff filmed after 'south' (spoiler, he dies), 202 mins (!) of a 1924 arctic expedition, TWO 1946 docs across frozen canada (one colour & silent, one B&W w/sound), 1hr 1930 silent across bolivia by j c bee-mason of the 1911 life of the honey bee fame (not a coincidence, he changed his name because he loved bees, but by 1930 there were also anacondas)
and this 'under sail in the frozen north' 1926, looks delicious

i had tickets booked into berlin and out of amsterdam (6 weeks later) for April 3, 2020, as well as accomodations booked. obvs didn't happen. woulda been first time solo travelling outside of canada/usa
starting to wonder if this trip will ever happen
starting to wonder if this trip will ever happen
as some may remember i got back from mexico on march 11, 2020 - the day before they closed the borders! i do think i may make a long trip to europe in future if things ever return to something like normal across the globe - a big IF
as some may remember i got back from mexico on march 11, 2020 - the day before they closed the borders! i do think i may make a long trip to europe in future if things ever return to something like normal across the globe - a big IF
Added that one.twodeadmagpies wrote: ↑Fri Jan 21, 2022 6:54 pm and this 'under sail in the frozen north' 1926, looks deliciousiles/styles/landscape_480x270/public/hero-images/UnderSailintheFrozenNorth.jpg?itok=rtcPVsMr[/img]
https://letterboxd.com/film/under-sail- ... zen-north/
I've barely given travelling a thought since the beginning of the pandemic, just too many things that can possibly wrong at the moment. Nearly booked a trip to Lisbon the week before everything slammed shut.