Re: Letterboxd
haha one thing i've noticed lately is those who follow all kinds of people, many of whom follow back as above, then delete EVERYONE so they have thousands of followers and are following nobody, making them look like some kind of celebrity i guess
i remember dimitris on flixster would constantly send mssgs: IF YOU'RE UNFOLLOWING ME PLZ LET ME KNOW SO I CAN UNFOLLOW YOU BACK. i assume this never worked.
there's a bot that will show who unfollowed you on twitter. sometimes i follow people as an experiment, then get bored and unfollow them. some of these people BLOCKED me
i remember dimitris on flixster would constantly send mssgs: IF YOU'RE UNFOLLOWING ME PLZ LET ME KNOW SO I CAN UNFOLLOW YOU BACK. i assume this never worked.
there's a bot that will show who unfollowed you on twitter. sometimes i follow people as an experiment, then get bored and unfollow them. some of these people BLOCKED me
lol yeah, I tend to unfollow people who clog up the activity feed with mass following as it usually leads to this.
Letterboxd ought to enable muting people, so you could accept them out of politeness (if you're so inclined) but ignore their activity. I tend to follow back about 2/3 of my followers, but if someone's favorite films are all from the last 25 years I'm not interested in what they think.
That’s kind of what I do. I follow a lot of people, but I pay attention to a small subset
Agreed. If the user "John Barlow" is a member on here I wanna say that the only reason I unfollowed you was cuz you kept spamming the activity feed with watchlist additions.
90% of my Facebook and Instagram...Umbugbene wrote: ↑Thu Dec 17, 2020 3:58 pm Letterboxd ought to enable muting people, so you could accept them out of politeness (if you're so inclined) but ignore their activity. I tend to follow back about 2/3 of my followers, but if someone's favorite films are all from the last 25 years I'm not interested in what they think.

And yes, is knowing someone added a movie to their watchlist the most useless information in existence?
- Evelyn Library P.I.
- Posts: 1387
- Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:36 pm
"I too am a child burned by future experiences, fallen back on myself and already suspecting the certainty that in the end only those will prove benevolent who believe in nothing." – Marran Gosov
One of the few benefits of pro is that you can get a map of all the countries you've seen films from.

Def need to fill out Africa a little and get a piece of that Svalbard cinema.

Def need to fill out Africa a little and get a piece of that Svalbard cinema.
I have a Pro account as well, where do I go to get that?
In the drop down menu under your name, click on stats.
- Evelyn Library P.I.
- Posts: 1387
- Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:36 pm
Stats are the main reason I pay for Pro. Nourishment for the stathead.
she ever ask you to go snowboarding?SAD_SCROOGE wrote: ↑Thu Dec 17, 2020 1:46 am i am a man of principle. i follow people, on any platform, if and only if i want to see their output. for instance, there are a few scfz members who have not followed me back, or have unfollowed me. it's no problem. they are missing out on my great reviews. but i am NOT missing out on THEIR great reviews. I WIN. CHAMPION. FIRST PLACE
frequently ppl who i sorta knew in law school, but didn't have any personal conversations with, will follow me on instagram. i do not follow them back, because they are not my friends and i have no interest in their lives. usually, they end up unfollowing me shortly after. that is bizarre to me. am i to understand that they followed me NOT because they wanted to see my pictures, but because they wanted me to follow them back...? society is sick. one person from school has followed me three separate times, and unfollowed me shortly after every time, as i do not follow back. i think it would be very interesting if scientists studied the inside of her brain. there must be wild things going on in there
You can't mute people, but you can mute watchlist additions in your activity filters, fyi
Yeah, I've got that feature but it's not like I hate watchlist additions in general and want them all gone.
i just noticed (using the search feature to find an old list i had made) that three different letterboxd 'pro' users had copied my list, so now there are four copies of the list on letterboxd. the copies were unchanged, and they all had zero likes even though they were copied a year ago. so it doesn't seem anyone was plagiarizing it to try to raise their profile or anything. i just wanted to know if this is something pro users do -- did these people copy the list just so they'd have it easily available for reference? or is something else going on.
actually now i'm noticing a ton of my lists (and some other scfz poll lists posted by other people here) have been copied several times on letterboxd, and several of the lists have likes and comments. it's annoying because i have a list of 'auteur trilogies', half built from suggestions from letterboxd users, and now people are making those suggestions on copies of the list i didn't even know existed.
there's never any credit given to the originator of the list, so the copier always looks like the author, it does now look to me like plagiarism, intentional or not. just curious if anyone knows why this happens, i hadn't seen it before today.
there's never any credit given to the originator of the list, so the copier always looks like the author, it does now look to me like plagiarism, intentional or not. just curious if anyone knows why this happens, i hadn't seen it before today.
pro users are allowed to clone lists. it is annoying
I’ve cloned lists in the past to make it easier for me to find them and access them, but I always make clones private.The only “legitimate” use of a public clone I can think of is that it can be a convenient starting point for a new list, but this does not seem to be the case here.
That's one of the points of lists on letterboxd, that they can be easily copied. I've copied a few myself, but had to do it mannually, cause I'm not a pro user. Why should that be annoying or why do you want a "copyright" for your lists? It's a list of film titles. Or do you mean they copied your introductory texts as well? That would be annoying.
"I too am a child burned by future experiences, fallen back on myself and already suspecting the certainty that in the end only those will prove benevolent who believe in nothing." – Marran Gosov
yeah that's what i mean. for most of my lists i wouldn't care, but the ones i'm talking about are lists like these:
https://letterboxd.com/fliptrotsky/list ... trilogies/
https://letterboxd.com/fliptrotsky/list ... ry-sci-fi/
which aren't lists of my favourite films or something, they're lists made from a lot of research. one of those starts with a bit of a personal essay, so it's weird seeing my writing under someone else's name. but even as a practical issue, i ask people for suggestions to make the list better / more comprehensive. people are sometimes posting those suggestions on the clones of my list, so i don't even see them (unless i look through all the clones to find them).
i'm on a music creation site where you can copy other people's work, but when you do, hardcoded in a copy is a link to the original. so you can freely build on or modify things other people have done, but anyone who cares can identify works that are remixes or copies, and can click a link to find the original version. it seems to me that would be a useful feature on letterboxd too.
Yeah, that sounds truly annoying. And that hardcoded link to the original would be a useful thing!
Sorry for that flip.
Sorry for that flip.
"I too am a child burned by future experiences, fallen back on myself and already suspecting the certainty that in the end only those will prove benevolent who believe in nothing." – Marran Gosov
My main issues with LB tend to be the inability of sorting of members outside of 'POPULARITY' which in itself is just moronic.
I mean this would be drawn on what? Snarky one liners tweeted after leaving the theater? (As a non-Twitter user. I could could give a damn how many twitter followers someone has.) At one point I got a follower who has over14K twitter followers but literally has seen no films, has no lists or anything that suggests it to be a legit user (could be a bot, not concerned as there's little cleanup and far and few acts of abuse so far as I can tell)
I'd see the purpose if it was about aligning those who use it the most if that was a true measure of how the website was intended.
Primarily, it's focus is for rating, listing and tracking films watched. The overall 'counter' is largely moot as it's a constantly thrown off by including other formats (tv series, cartoons, shorts, mini-series and unreleased material)
The other factor which I find dumb is not having a function to grade something as having no value, You CANNOT give zero stars.
Then again, the simplification of grades by popular pedestrian impressions just rolls into other problems like those who throw counts on lists, etc.
The most annoying aspect is the process of digging through members to find like minded viewers. It's just short of making it nearly impossible to reveal how many active users exist (which maybe the real reason to avoid this sort of exposure)
There's a number of professional critics on there although not all add regular entries. Sadly, some of the more consistent ones are actually quite terrible.
It's just such an odd thing that seems to deem more credible standards to twitter followers rather anyone who actually has any breath of knowledge of any sort.
Hell, even the forum to make changes is literally chosen by point counts. I understand they're not a formally large outfit so I imagine that they do the best that they can but I think they're more or less trying to keep up with data entries rather than any real changes and/or improvements to the interface.
I mean this would be drawn on what? Snarky one liners tweeted after leaving the theater? (As a non-Twitter user. I could could give a damn how many twitter followers someone has.) At one point I got a follower who has over14K twitter followers but literally has seen no films, has no lists or anything that suggests it to be a legit user (could be a bot, not concerned as there's little cleanup and far and few acts of abuse so far as I can tell)
I'd see the purpose if it was about aligning those who use it the most if that was a true measure of how the website was intended.
Primarily, it's focus is for rating, listing and tracking films watched. The overall 'counter' is largely moot as it's a constantly thrown off by including other formats (tv series, cartoons, shorts, mini-series and unreleased material)
The other factor which I find dumb is not having a function to grade something as having no value, You CANNOT give zero stars.
Then again, the simplification of grades by popular pedestrian impressions just rolls into other problems like those who throw counts on lists, etc.
The most annoying aspect is the process of digging through members to find like minded viewers. It's just short of making it nearly impossible to reveal how many active users exist (which maybe the real reason to avoid this sort of exposure)
There's a number of professional critics on there although not all add regular entries. Sadly, some of the more consistent ones are actually quite terrible.
It's just such an odd thing that seems to deem more credible standards to twitter followers rather anyone who actually has any breath of knowledge of any sort.
Hell, even the forum to make changes is literally chosen by point counts. I understand they're not a formally large outfit so I imagine that they do the best that they can but I think they're more or less trying to keep up with data entries rather than any real changes and/or improvements to the interface.
Last edited by cinesmith on Fri Mar 05, 2021 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Yup. This has been the gold standard but even they have plenty of holes.. and yet the advertisements-good lord. I think it'd be helpful if a user could go through a filmography without having to back out to click the next screen link. I think this is all intentionally done to boost advertising numbers (hits)
LOL Well, I guess somebody got bent out of shape... I tend to choose those I follow with a higher standard.
for example: Do I have any sense of them sharing a similar interest in films. Do they write reviews using more than 20 words. Are they an adult or am I looking at a passing fancy by a teenager, etc. If 95% of everything this person has seen is rated 5 stars.
ehh that was on twitter. i hardly follow anyone on letterboxd anymore. blocked a few nazis though