SCFZ poll: Quentin Tarantino

Joks Trois
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Re: SCFZ poll: Quentin Tarantino

Post by Joks Trois »

Death Proof and Hollywood are his worst films imo.

1.Pulp Fiction
2.Reservoir Dogs
3.Jackie Brown
4.The Hateful Eight
5.Django Unchained
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Post by MrCarmady »

Seen all but Death Proof and Four Rooms, might check out the former this week. Also owe Jackie Brown a re-visit.

Inglourious Basterds
Kill Bill Vol. 1
Reservoir Dogs
Pulp Fiction
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Post by flip »

nrh wrote: Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:28 pm do we have enough views for tobe hooper or terence fisher?
with greg and lencho, we're just on the borderline with either, using my more relaxed criteria. i'd like to know that at least one other person has seen 5+ from one of the two, just to be sure we'll have a few ballots that are 3+ films long, so if we have one more person with a few fisher or hooper views, we'll go ahead.
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Post by mesnalty »

I've seen 5 by Hooper
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Post by john ryan »

I can't help with Hooper, but I have 20+ Fisher

seen em all

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Jackie Brown
3. Django Unchained
4. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
5. Kill Bill: vol 2
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Post by flip »

thanks for all the replies - nrh, i'm happy to go ahead with either director, so just let me know which one you prefer!
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Post by thoxans »

jackie brown
inglourious basterds
reservoir dogs
the hateful eight
death proof

*seen ten (haven't seen ouatih yet tho)
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Post by rischka »

i have 12 fisher!! only 3 hoop
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Post by nrh »

flip wrote: Sun Aug 23, 2020 5:45 pm thanks for all the replies - nrh, i'm happy to go ahead with either director, so just let me know which one you prefer!
let's go with fisher, if nothing else i think it will be more fun to see what people go with
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Post by Roscoe »


The rest is crap. I might make room for a "good parts" version of the KILL BILLs, which would leave out Carradine's ridiculous speechifying about being a killer, but the snickering juvenility of the rest of his godforsaken output is fit only for the flames.
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Post by flip »

cool, it sounds like fisher has more views too, i'll start that poll on tuesday
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Post by ... »

Pulp Fiction
The Hateful 8
Death Proof
Inglorious Basterds

I guess that'll do, though trying to figure out the differences from such a consistent body of work is kinda difficult. Pulp Fiction was the most important and influential of the bunch, for good or bad, so I guess that'll do for the top choice. Tarantino is something of an heir to the Hitchcock mode of commercial cinema, really gifted at structure, but that's unfortunately mixed with his idiotic reverence for juvenalia.
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Post by roujin »

1. Jackie Brown
2. Kill Bill: Vol 1
3. Inglourious Basterds

Missing: Once Upon a Time

I'd like to take another look at Death Proof. I imagine I'd like it more now.
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Post by MrCarmady »

oh shit it's roujin!
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Post by ralch »

1. Pulp Fiction
2. Jackie Brown
3. Kill Bill Vol. 1
4. Kill Bill Vol. 2
5. Death Proof
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Post by grabmymask »

1. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
2. Inglorious Basterds
3. The Hateful Eight
4. Jackie Brown
5. Django Unchained
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Post by flip »

interesting poll... i think we ended up with a bit of a contrarian ranking of tarantino films. i thought pulp fiction would win by a pretty big margin. every major feature got multiple votes, and every short or tv episode did not (his csi episodes got one vote, from me).

1. Jackie Brown (1997) -- 43 pts
2. Inglorious Basterds (2009) -- 38 pts
3. Pulp Fiction (1994) -- 36 pts
4. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019) -- 18 pts
5. Death Proof (2007) -- 17 pts
6. Reservoir Dogs (1992) -- 16 pts
7. The Hateful Eight (2015) -- 15 pts
8. Kill Bill Vol 1 (2003) -- 13 pts
9. Django Unchained (2012) -- 12 pts
10. Kill Bill Vol 2 (2004) -- 11 pts
11. CSI: "Grave Danger" (2005) -- 2 pts
12. Grindhouse (2007) -- 1 pt
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Post by ... »

I don't know, Jackie Brown tends to come up a lot as his best film among some more serious film fans for being a little bit different, more toned down, less of the full Tarantino excess in plotting and style. It seems to be the one chosen a lot to say I don't take Tarantino seriously, but this one is okay.
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Post by nrh »

jackie brown i think also has the added benefit of being a little bit under discussed at the time of its release, at least relative to pulp fiction, reservoir dogs and kill bill, all of which were poster in the dorm room and hot topic t-shirt kind of movies. pulp fiction is a film i know i have a lot of trouble revisiting, in a way that has absolutely nothing to do with its merits, while jackie brown really isn't that at all.
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Post by Holymanm »

#1 is the only one of his 10 movies i haven't seen... smh!
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Post by karl »

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Post by thoxans »

karl wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 9:27 amWho?
kool karl bringin down that rob-reiner-or-bust hammer
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Post by wba »

boring guy, but I remember enjoying Jackie Brown. And yes, I liked Grindhouse (2007)

01. Jackie Brown (1997)
02. Grindhouse (2007)

Tarantino seen: 10

EDIT: Too late once again!! :D But GRINDHOUSE got no votes?!?! Well...
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Post by flip »

wba wrote: Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:34 am But GRINDHOUSE got no votes?!?! Well...
it got lots of votes! just under a different title

i factored in your ballot
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Post by wba »

flip wrote: Thu Sep 03, 2020 11:05 am
wba wrote: Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:34 am But GRINDHOUSE got no votes?!?! Well...
it got lots of votes! just under a different title

i factored in your ballot
if you mean that movie called "Death Proof", which got released later, I'm not a fan, and it has little to do with the film "Grindhouse", which is over three hours long, involves 2 feature films by Rodriguez and Tarantino and half a dozen trailers directed by some other guys. It's not entirely Tarantino's work as he was merely a co-director, but neither is "Four Rooms", which he similarly co-directed with some other guys. Nevertheless I enjoyed "Grindhouse" immensely when I watched it at the cinema. I can't say the same for Tarantino's "Death Proof" which I also watched at the cinema at a later date.
So those two things have not that much in common (except that they share about 90 minutes of footage).

If you mean something else, I got no idea.
Last edited by wba on Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by flip »

i think people were just voting for the stuff tarantino directed. if you don't want to vote for death proof, i'll subtract the point
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Post by wba »

No, I don't want to vote for Death Proof. I'm not a fan of the film.
Also, his version of Death Proof included in "Grindhouse" is different to the film he released later as a standalone feature.
It's not that he took the stuff that he directed and which was released in "Grindhouse" out and simply later released it once more under the title "Death Proof".
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Post by flip »

ok, i don't know tarantino well enough to know those details - i'll give a point to 'grindhouse' instead
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Post by wba »

sorry flip, I didn't want to sound like an ass or lecture you (or anyone here) - I have a vague feeling that my 2 posts could be perceived that way after reading them here in context once more...

I did some research now and found that Wikipedia says the standalone DEATH PROOF feature film has 27 minutes not contained in the shorter version released as a part of GRINDHOUSE: "The additional material includes scenes that were replaced in the American theatrical release version [GRINDHOUSE] with a "missing reel" title card, such as the lap dance scene. A total of 27 minutes were added for this version [standalone DEATH PROOF release]."
Though as far as I know (having been a projectionist and working at a company that does film restaurations and such) a reel of film is usually merely up to 20 minutes (mostly up to 18) and has been about 10 minutes in the olden days (up to the 40s and 50s at least), so this "missing reel" stuff is probably just a gag in GRINDHOUSE. I haven't seen both films in a long time so I can't exactly say from memory and this is just a guess (that it's not just a chunk of 27 minutes somewhere in the middle of the film being reinserted for the standalone feature).
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Post by flip »

wba wrote: Thu Sep 03, 2020 2:24 pm sorry flip, I didn't want to sound like an ass or lecture you (or anyone here) - I have a vague feeling that my 2 posts could be perceived that way after reading them here in context once more...
i didn't read them that way at all, no reason to apologize!

i think it's really hard to convey tone in internet posts (i know i have trouble with it, people often think i'm being rude when i have no desire to ever be), so i always assume people are posting in good faith unless they're being outright insulting (which no one at scfz ever is, at least these days!)
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