SCFZ poll: Robert Wise
SCFZ poll: Robert Wise
Polling the films of director Robert Wise
The rules:
- your list can include no more than half of the Wise films you've seen, up to a maximum of 5. So if you've seen seven of his films, for example, you can list only a top 3. It's only if you've seen ten or more of his films than you can list the maximum of five.
- i'll assume ballots are ranked unless you tell me otherwise. unranked ballots are fine.
- deadline for ballots: next Friday, in seven days, whatever day that is
- if anyone is watching films for these polls, then i'll extend the deadline up to three days, if someone requests an extension
- next poll: whoever posts the first ballot in this thread is free to nominate the director we poll next, unless you've nominated in this round already (everyone should get a chance). Already nominated this round: wba, greg x, ofrene, greennui, evelyn, bure, mesnalty, umbugbene, roscoe, st gloede, brian d, kanafani, silga, oscarwerner, dt., nrh, arkheia, grabmymask, thoxans, john ryan, liquidnature, caracortada
umbugbene created an index on letterboxd of all of our previous polls here:
one rule for nominees: at least 3 scfzers need to have seen 10+ of a nominee's films, or at least 4 scfzers need to have seen at least 8 of the nom's films, so if it isn't clear if that will be the case, we'll confirm that's true before moving forward
if 24 hours pass after a poll opens, and no one eligible to nominate has posted a ballot, then i'll nominate someone, and then we'll start over, and everyone will be able to nominate again
The rules:
- your list can include no more than half of the Wise films you've seen, up to a maximum of 5. So if you've seen seven of his films, for example, you can list only a top 3. It's only if you've seen ten or more of his films than you can list the maximum of five.
- i'll assume ballots are ranked unless you tell me otherwise. unranked ballots are fine.
- deadline for ballots: next Friday, in seven days, whatever day that is
- if anyone is watching films for these polls, then i'll extend the deadline up to three days, if someone requests an extension
- next poll: whoever posts the first ballot in this thread is free to nominate the director we poll next, unless you've nominated in this round already (everyone should get a chance). Already nominated this round: wba, greg x, ofrene, greennui, evelyn, bure, mesnalty, umbugbene, roscoe, st gloede, brian d, kanafani, silga, oscarwerner, dt., nrh, arkheia, grabmymask, thoxans, john ryan, liquidnature, caracortada
umbugbene created an index on letterboxd of all of our previous polls here:
one rule for nominees: at least 3 scfzers need to have seen 10+ of a nominee's films, or at least 4 scfzers need to have seen at least 8 of the nom's films, so if it isn't clear if that will be the case, we'll confirm that's true before moving forward
if 24 hours pass after a poll opens, and no one eligible to nominate has posted a ballot, then i'll nominate someone, and then we'll start over, and everyone will be able to nominate again
things are going to be mostly anarchy with these polls for the next week, so most deadlines will be extended, might not start the next poll for a week or so etc
The Haunting
Somebody Up There Likes Me
The House on Telegraph Hill
The Hindenburg
Criminal Court
seen 19
Somebody Up There Likes Me
The House on Telegraph Hill
The Hindenburg
Criminal Court
seen 19
seen 10
The Set-Up
The Sound of Music
Executive Suite
The Haunting
The Day the Earth Stood Still
The Set-Up
The Sound of Music
Executive Suite
The Haunting
The Day the Earth Stood Still
- Evelyn Library P.I.
- Posts: 1387
- Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2018 10:36 pm
seen 4
1. The Sound of Music (1965)
2. The Set-Up (1949)
1. The Sound of Music (1965)
2. The Set-Up (1949)
Seen 4:
1. The Set-Up
2. West Side Story
1. The Set-Up
2. West Side Story
if someone else wouldn't mind working out who is eligible to nominate next, and confirming their selection has the views etc that would be great!
seen 8
the sand pebbles
the body snatcher
the sound of music
the curse of the cat people
the sand pebbles
the body snatcher
the sound of music
the curse of the cat people
"Most esteemed biographer of Peter Barrington Hutton"
i have 14
the haunting
the day the earth stood still
the set-up
born to kill
somebody up there likes me
the haunting
the day the earth stood still
the set-up
born to kill
somebody up there likes me
Rischka's the first voter who hasn't nominated this round, so she can pick if she wants
can we do king hu or did we do that already
We've done Henry King and King Vidor, but not King Hu. No idea whether he'll work. I only have 4.
Seen 10 Robert Wise
1. The Haunting
2. The Sound of Music
3. Audrey Rose
4. The Day the Earth Stood Still
Seen 10 Robert Wise
1. The Haunting
2. The Sound of Music
3. Audrey Rose
4. The Day the Earth Stood Still
The Curse of the Cat People
The Body Snatcher
The Andromeda Strain
The Haunting
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
I've seen 8 by King Hu
The Body Snatcher
The Andromeda Strain
The Haunting
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
I've seen 8 by King Hu
- liquidnature
- Posts: 556
- Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2018 3:44 am
Seen 3 from Robert Wise, what an interesting looking filmography he has. Worked with such a variety of top billed actors and actresses, across nearly every genre.
The Sound of the Music (1965)
all-time fave and always will be
seen 0 from King Hu
The Sound of the Music (1965)
all-time fave and always will be
seen 0 from King Hu
- Caracortada
- Posts: 106
- Joined: Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:38 pm
Seen 16.
1. I Want to Live!
2. West Side Story
3. The Sound of Music
4. Audrey Rose
5. The Body Snatcher
He made good movies over four different decades. When I see his filmography I'm surprised that these titles are all by the same director: musical, comedy, drama and horror.
1. I Want to Live!
2. West Side Story
3. The Sound of Music
4. Audrey Rose
5. The Body Snatcher
He made good movies over four different decades. When I see his filmography I'm surprised that these titles are all by the same director: musical, comedy, drama and horror.
- St. Gloede
- Posts: 722
- Joined: Sat Feb 09, 2019 5:50 pm
Seen 18:
Blood on the Moon
Odds Against Tomorrow
The Sand Pebbles
The Haunting
The Set-Up
Blood on the Moon
Odds Against Tomorrow
The Sand Pebbles
The Haunting
The Set-Up
I love two of his films extremely mucho! Need to see more though.
01. Born to Kill (1947)
02. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
Wise seen: 6
EDIT: I've seen 7 King Hu
01. Born to Kill (1947)
02. Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
Wise seen: 6
EDIT: I've seen 7 King Hu
"I too am a child burned by future experiences, fallen back on myself and already suspecting the certainty that in the end only those will prove benevolent who believe in nothing." – Marran Gosov
- oscarwerner
- Posts: 319
- Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2019 9:13 am
- Contact:
Seen 12
1. The Sound of Music (1965)
2. West Side Story (1961)
3. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
4. The Haunting (1963)
5. The Set-Up (1949)
Yes. He created nearly all genres: musical, comedy, sci-fi, horror, film-noir, disaster thriller (The Hindenburg (1975), war drama, peplum (Helen of Troy)...
Opsss seems i have seen 0 by King Hu. At least must have make new research about this director. I`m grateful to our group-it helps to discover or rediscover some directors, whom i missed.
1. The Sound of Music (1965)
2. West Side Story (1961)
3. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
4. The Haunting (1963)
5. The Set-Up (1949)
Yes. He created nearly all genres: musical, comedy, sci-fi, horror, film-noir, disaster thriller (The Hindenburg (1975), war drama, peplum (Helen of Troy)...

Opsss seems i have seen 0 by King Hu. At least must have make new research about this director. I`m grateful to our group-it helps to discover or rediscover some directors, whom i missed.
That's about right. WEST SIDE STORY comes most thrillingly to life during those dance numbers, possibly the greatest ever put on film. Little Stevie is going to have a hard time coming within light years of matching them. EDIT: had to add THE BODY SNATCHER, what was I thinking?
That's about right. WEST SIDE STORY comes most thrillingly to life during those dance numbers, possibly the greatest ever put on film. Little Stevie is going to have a hard time coming within light years of matching them. EDIT: had to add THE BODY SNATCHER, what was I thinking?
Last edited by Roscoe on Sun Sep 22, 2019 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
These matters are best disposed of from a great height. Over water.
- grabmymask
- Posts: 164
- Joined: Sat Apr 27, 2019 6:09 am
Curse of the Cat People
The Set-Up
The Captive City
Born to kill
The day the earth stood still
The Set-Up
The Captive City
Born to kill
The day the earth stood still
oh i love the haunting so much. saw it in the local cinema back when they didn't just show garbage and just melted into the velvety shadows on the screen as if i was ingeborg bachmann faced with a wall. it's near the top in the 'horror-by-bachelard/death-by-domicile' genre along with tren de sombras, sérail, the tenant & black bird descending etc etc
anyway wise, seen 4.
the haunting
the sound of music
anyway wise, seen 4.
the haunting
the sound of music
Not sure if there'll be enough views for King Hu but I'm watching Legend of the Mountain this weekend anyway. Beautiful stuff so far.
I'd be pretty sure NRH has seen at least 8 Hu movies, don't know though if anyone else has and gets us to the needed number. I'd watch a couple more if I could, but the one's I haven't seen are elusive.
An occasionally inspired director.
1. Odds against Tomorrow
2. The Set-Up
3. Blood on the Moon
4. The Desert Rats
5. Curse of the Cat People
1. Odds against Tomorrow
2. The Set-Up
3. Blood on the Moon
4. The Desert Rats
5. Curse of the Cat People
Have a look at all the picnics of the intellect: These conceptions! These discoveries! Perspectives! Subtleties! Publications! Congresses! Discussions! Institutes! Universities! Yet: one senses nothing but stupidity. - Gombrowicz, Diary
because my internet time is so limited for the next few days, i'll be putting the director polls on hold until october. but if anyone wanted to take over for a week or two, that would be fine - it only takes a few minutes to tally them, and starting a new poll is a quick copy/paste. so if someone wants to do that feel free (and send me a pm here if you need to know the scoring system). i'll post all of the lists to letterboxd under my account there eventually.
but if no one takes over, we'll just have a break for a week or two at least.
but if no one takes over, we'll just have a break for a week or two at least.
i have 13 king hus, counting story of sue san (which was probably mostly directed by li han hsiang) and swordsman (where there were a lot of hands in the process). I think the only one i've seen that isn't available is all the king's men.
Seen 13
1. The Haunting
2. The Body Snatcher
3. The Day the Earth Stood Still
4. The Curse of the Cat People
5. Run Silent Run Deep
1. The Haunting
2. The Body Snatcher
3. The Day the Earth Stood Still
4. The Curse of the Cat People
5. Run Silent Run Deep
i should have reliable internet again starting from today, so i'll be getting back to the director polls... it looks like we don't have quite the views for king hu unless there's another person with 8+ seen, so if anyone who hasn't posted yet has seen several hu films, please post here!
but if that doesn't happen, we'll need a fallback choice.
but if that doesn't happen, we'll need a fallback choice.