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Post by wba »

As I'm currently watching some Canadian films I've been checking out what I know about its film history, and it's really not much. Though (according to letterboxd/Imdb) I've seen some 200 films from the country, most of these were (US) co-productions, as it seems there must be some financial benefits shooting there. So I need some recommendations, ideally a mixture between classics and great obscure stuff.

I'd like to get my hands on this box-set for example, which I've discovered yesterday:

As I was thinking about Canadian cinema, and what might constitute a Canadian film, I also compiled a list of my favorite 20 Canadian films:

YUL 871 (Jacques Godbout, 1966)
Tout rien "All Nothing" (Frédéric Back, 1978)
Murder by Decree (Bob Clark, 1979)
The Brood (David Cronenberg, 1979)
Atlantic City (Louis Malle, 1980)
So Is This (Michael Snow, 1982)
Rock & Rule (Clive A. Smith, 1983)
Archangel (Guy Maddin, 1990)
Entre deux soeurs "Two Sisters" (Caroline Leaf, 1991)
Naked Lunch (David Cronenberg, 1991)
Sea Song (Richard Reeves, 1999)
La Veuve de Saint-Pierre "The Widow of Saint-Pierre" (Patrice Leconte, 2000)
Maelström (Denis Villeneuve, 2000)
The Claim (Michael Winterbottom, 2000)
The Heart of the World (Guy Maddin, 2000)
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner (Zacharias Kunuk, 2001)
Brand Upon the Brain! (Guy Maddin, 2006)
Toi "You" (François Delisle, 2007)
Rampage (Uwe Boll, 2009)
The Kid Detective (Evan Morgan, 2020)
"I too am a child burned by future experiences, fallen back on myself and already suspecting the certainty that in the end only those will prove benevolent who believe in nothing." – Marran Gosov
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