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100 for Now

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 8:16 pm
by liquidnature
Here's a 100 favorites, out of the mere 1,341 films that I have seen. Many of those 1,341 I last watched 5-10 years ago, some I hardly remember at all. Far from covering as wide a sphere as other's lists here would, but maybe it will provide a few good recommendations for someone.

I plan on rewatching the favorites as well as slowly making my way through director oeuvres as time goes on. In 2019 I am planning to start/continue/rewatch/finish the works of: Chomón, Cohl, Garci, Clément, Lang, Sirk, McCay, Spielberg, Benning, Mizoguchi, Dreyer, de Sica, Roy, Kiarostami, Cissé, and Nicolaescu.

Re: 100 for Now

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:14 am
by Umbugbene
For someone who's seen only 1341 you've picked some good ones. I've only watched 59, and a few of the rest are on my watchlist. Marguerite of the Night wasn't on my radar, but I'm craving to see it now.