favorite literature read in 2019

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favorite literature read in 2019

Post by wba »

01. La pelle "The Skin"
Curzio Malaparte, Italy 1949
02. Lebens-Ansichten des Katers Murr nebst fragmentarischer Biographie des Kapellmeisters Johannes Kreisler in zufälligen Makulaturblättern. Erster Band
"The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr together with a fragmentary Biography of Kapellmeister Johannes Kreisler on Random Sheets of Waste Paper. Part I"
Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, Berlin 1819
03. Rabok "Prisoners"
Ferenc Molnar, Hungary 1907
04. Die 100 Besten Horror-Filme
Hans Schifferle, Germany 1994
05. My “We“
Yevgeny Zamyatin, Russia 1920
06. Bella
Jean Giraudoux, France 1926
07. Der Verlorene "The Lost One"
Peter Lorre, West Germany 1951
08. Hunger nach Glück
Friedrich Eisenlohr, Germany 1932
09. Utakata no ki "Foam on the Waves"
Ogai Mori, Japan 1890
10. Jatek a kastelyban "The Play's the Thing"
Ferenc Molnar, Hungary 1926

11. Kuro tokage “The Black Lizard“
Edogawa Ranpo, Japan 1934
12. Tsugumi "Goodbye Tsugumi"
Banana Yoshimoto, Japan 1989
13. Kussun daikoku
Ko Machida, Japan 1996
14. Maihime "The Dancing Girl"
Ogai Mori, Japan 1890
15. Röda rummet “The Red Room“
August Strindberg, Sweden 1879
16. Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke "The Lay of the Love and Death of Christoph Cornet Rilke"
Rainer Maria Rilke, Germany 1906
17. Therese Desqueyroux
Francois Mauriac, France 1927
18. A Pal utcai fiuk "The Paul Street Boys"
Ferenc Molnar, Hungary 1906
19. Honkakubo ibun
Yasushi Inoue, Japan 1981
20. Elisabeth
Gilbert Cordier, France 1946

21. Die Legende vom heiligen Trinker "The Legend of the Holy Drinker "
Joseph Roth, Netherlands 1939
22. Vendegjatek Bolzanoban “Casanova in Bolzano”
Sandor Marai, Hungary 1940
23. Kawara no apara
Ko Machida, Japan 1996
24. Pogled s strani "Looking Awry"
Slavoj Zizek, Yugoslavia 1988
25. In a Lonely Place
Dorothy B. Hughes, USA 1947
26. Westward the Tide
Louis L’Amour, UK 1950
27. Fumizukai “The Courier”
Ogai Mori, Japan 1891
28. Fantomas. Beiträge zur Panik des 20. Jahrhunderts
Thomas Brandlmeier, Germany 2007
29. Fright
George Hopley, USA 1950
30. Quintett 1928
Friedrich Eisenlohr, Germany 1928

31. Instantanes
Alain Robbe-Grillet, France 1962
32. Feux rouges “Red Lights”
Georges Simenon, France 1953
33. Ride the Dark Trail
Louis L’Amour, USA 1972
34. Hemsöborna “The People of Hemsö”
August Strindberg, Germany 1887
35. Sakazuki “Cups”
Ogai Mori, Japan 1910
36. L’Innocente “The Intruder”
Gabriele D’Annunzio, Italy 1892
37. The Morphodite
M. A. Foster, USA 1981
38. Wie ein Mangobaumwunder
Andor Nemeth/Arthur Koestler, Germany 1932
39. To imerologio, mias aioniotitas
Petros Markaris, Greece 1998
40. Der Mäusetöter
Mario Adorf, Germany 1992

41. Une democrate, Mick Jagger, 1960 – 1969
Francois Begaudeau, France 2005
42. Odishon “Audition”
Ryu Murakami, Japan 1997
43. Minotaurus. Eine Ballade
Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Switzerland 1985
44. Utsukushisa to kanashimi to “Beauty and Sadness”
Yasunari Kawabata, Japan 1964
45. Yukiguni “Snow Country”
Yasunari Kawabata, Japan 1948
46. Quentin Tarantino. Shooting From the Hip
Wensley Clarkson, UK 1995
47. The Garden-Party
Katherine Mansfield, UK 1922
48. Sweet Hereafter
Banana Yoshimoto, Japan 2011
49. How Does Your Garden Grow?
Agatha Christie, USA 1935
50. Waxworks
Ethel Lina White, UK 1930

51. Utage no ato “After the Banquet”
Yukio Mishima, Japan 1960
52. The End of Japanese Cinema. Industrial Genres, National Times, and Media Ecologies
Alexander Zahlten, USA 2017
53. Brennendes Geheimnis "Burning Secret"
Stefan Zweig, Germany 1911
54. Kurosawa. Film Studies and Japanese Cinema
Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto, USA 2000
55. Jean le Bleu “Blue Boy”
Jean Giono, France 1932
"I too am a child burned by future experiences, fallen back on myself and already suspecting the certainty that in the end only those will prove benevolent who believe in nothing." – Marran Gosov
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