Best of 2024 Poll!
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2025 5:35 pm
SCFZ Best of 2024
I'm starting up our annual best of the year poll, where we poll our favourite films released last year:
• post a list of your favourite films from 2024
-- you can list no more than half of the 2024 films you have seen, up to a maximum of 10, except:
--- if you have seen between 40 and 59 feature films from last year: then you can list up to 11 films
--- if you have seen 60 or more feature films from last year: then you can list up to 12 films
• ranked ballots are *strongly* encouraged (if you aren't sure how to rank, maybe rank in reverse-order of letterboxd views, to give more weight to films less likely to get other votes). Unless you tell me otherwise, I'll assume your ballot is ranked.
• scoring for ranked ballots will be on the usual 1-2-3-4-...-max scale (so a three-film ranked ballot will award 3, 2 and 1 points to the three films)
• unranked ballots will award the same total points as a ranked one would, but awarding an equal number of points to each film. So a ten-film unranked ballot, say, will award 5.5 points per film
• feel free to post a ballot now and edit it later - no need to let me know about changes unless you make changes on the day of the deadline, which is just before Oscars night. As usual, I'll post the results on Academy Award day, which is March 2 this year
• voters can decide which films are eligible for the poll -- anything released in 2024 is clearly eligible, as are any 2023 festival releases that weren't available for most people to watch until 2024. that said, any film that received support in our best of 2023 poll ( ... scfz-poll/) is not eligible for the 2024 poll
deadline: March 1, 2023 at noon ET
I'll start the never-very-popular Academy Awards poll in a separate thread, nominations were announced today
I'm starting up our annual best of the year poll, where we poll our favourite films released last year:
• post a list of your favourite films from 2024
-- you can list no more than half of the 2024 films you have seen, up to a maximum of 10, except:
--- if you have seen between 40 and 59 feature films from last year: then you can list up to 11 films
--- if you have seen 60 or more feature films from last year: then you can list up to 12 films
• ranked ballots are *strongly* encouraged (if you aren't sure how to rank, maybe rank in reverse-order of letterboxd views, to give more weight to films less likely to get other votes). Unless you tell me otherwise, I'll assume your ballot is ranked.
• scoring for ranked ballots will be on the usual 1-2-3-4-...-max scale (so a three-film ranked ballot will award 3, 2 and 1 points to the three films)
• unranked ballots will award the same total points as a ranked one would, but awarding an equal number of points to each film. So a ten-film unranked ballot, say, will award 5.5 points per film
• feel free to post a ballot now and edit it later - no need to let me know about changes unless you make changes on the day of the deadline, which is just before Oscars night. As usual, I'll post the results on Academy Award day, which is March 2 this year
• voters can decide which films are eligible for the poll -- anything released in 2024 is clearly eligible, as are any 2023 festival releases that weren't available for most people to watch until 2024. that said, any film that received support in our best of 2023 poll ( ... scfz-poll/) is not eligible for the 2024 poll
deadline: March 1, 2023 at noon ET
I'll start the never-very-popular Academy Awards poll in a separate thread, nominations were announced today