one thing is, if i participate, i don't really have a way to obtain films. i've usually shown things on youtube because of that, and then have used youtube availability to decide what country or director could work. if i pick a genre though, the chances are slim i'll find youtube copies of the films i want to show. so i'd need someone to obtain and upload my films, but then it feels like i'm asking someone to do twice the work and i'm doing almost nothing.
and then i had an unorthodox idea for 'genre'. i was thinking about generating random films from
this list, it's a list in my profile called "the best unknown filmmaker in the world", which includes nominations mostly from scfz of directors who might fit that description. i'd do some mild curating (i'd exclude choices i have seen and don't like, or that don't look appealing to me) but i'd most likely still be choosing films i' never seen. so that's maybe weird!
anyway i'm happy to participate if the two things above both seem ok. if the first seems ok and the genre choice does not, i can think up something else.