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Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 7:50 pm
by der kulterer
THE DIVISIONS OF NATURE (Raúl Ruiz, 1978) #CoMoChile



Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 8:39 pm
by sally

yeah but jiri! you missed the homage to j c mol :D


Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 1:14 pm
by der kulterer
LUCES PARA PERCUSIÓN (René Kocher, 1966) #CoMoChile ... percusion/

In October 1972, Chile saw the first of what were to be a wave of confrontational strikes led by some of the historically well-off sectors of Chilean society; these received the open support of United States President Richard Nixon. A strike by trucking company owners, which the CIA supported by funding them with US$2 million within the frame of the "September Plan", began on 9 October 1972. The strike was declared by the Confederación Nacional del Transporte, then presided by León Vilarín, one of the leaders of the far-right paramilitary group Patria y Libertad. The Confederation, which brought together 165 trucking company business associations, employing 40,000 drivers and 56,000 vehicles, decreed an indefinite strike, paralyzing the country. It was soon joined by the small businessmen, some (mostly professional) unions, and some student groups. Its leaders (Vilarín, Jaime Guzmán, Rafael Cumsille, Guillermo Elton and Eduardo Arriagada) expected to topple the government through the strike. Other than the inevitable damage to the economy, the chief effect of the 24-day strike was to bring the head of the army, general Carlos Prats, into the government as Interior Minister, as a sign of appeasement.
The Fatherland and Liberty Nationalist Front (Spanish: Frente Nacionalista Patria y Libertad or simply Patria y Libertad, PyL) was a fascist political and paramilitary group that fought against the democratically elected socialist government of Salvador Allende, in Chile.
Headed by Pablo Rodríguez Grez, the group was spawned in the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. It formally organized itself in 1970, a short time after the election of Salvador Allende. Patria y Libertad gathered mainly upper and middle-class students, united by common anti-communist beliefs, engaged in street brawls against leftist militants and sympathizers, armed with nunchakus and molotov cocktails. Patria y Libertad hoped to overthrow socialism from Chile. Along with the youth movement of the Christian Democracy, the youth of the National Party and the "Comando Rolando Matus" (CRM), the paramilitary group formed and integrated by the youth of this last political party, they participated in demonstrations against the President Salvador Allende's socialist government.
¿Y ADÁN Y…? (Juan Pablo Donoso, 1971) #CoMoChile
From the depths of the sea is born Adán, a young boy who, walking along the beach, meets another boy, who gives him the knowledge of learning and maturing. As a young man he comes across a grotesque band who represent human society without understanding and rational purpose, obsessed with power and status within the group. A woman restores his emotional equilibrium and teaches him to love, but he is no longer the naked innocent who emerged from the depths at the start of the film. The complexities of life baffle him, like the patterns in the wisps of cloud in the sky. Finally, an old man hands a box, perhaps containing the secret of life, to another boy (played by Willy Rojas again) who emerges from the sea. But is the child ready to face the truth about human life? Could, in fact, the box be empty?
CHILE ON THE ROAD TO NAFTA (Martha Rosler, 1997) #CoMoChile
Twenty-five years after the fascist coup, Chile was hailed by some as an economic miracle on the fast track to admission into the North American Free-Trade Agreement. But in view of its recent history of vicious political repression, this news provoked skepticism. In this "music video," the police band plays Star Wars while street musicians play popular songs. A gigantic upraised fists turns out to be a Coke billboard, and relatives point to names on the new memorial to victims of the fascist coup.

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:48 pm
by sally
ningún lugar en ninguna parte / no place in anywhere - josé luis torres leiva (2003) #CoMoChile

oh, this is a delicious documentary. a chile-film as liminal space/difficult passage (in all senses, even the musicians on the soundtrack struggle)....exquisite commentary by sound design, by especially the edit....irony in the prise de (fractured) vue....think guerín, rousseau

(for instance in this iconic coloured hill houses of valparaíso tourist-shot, the contrasting commentary of the coloured, ruthlessly geometrical, dominating, commercial shipping containers)


this is film as kino-geography (with a passing dash of psycho-arborography) love it







^the musicians in shadow, the trees in the light are outside the (window)frame







Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:04 pm
by sally
sally wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:14 pm NOTAS DEL TERREMOTO - LUIS FIOL BEMER (1939) #CoMoChile


tres semanas después / three weeks later - josé luis torres leiva (2010) #CoMoChile

Recorded for 8 days in the area most affected by the February 2010 earthquake in Chile


Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 10:19 pm
by der kulterer
ha, a bit of superchamper archeology... ... t1083.html


1. Manoel’s Destinies (1984) — 28 pts
2. Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting (1979) — 19 pts
3. Three Crowns of the Sailor (1983) — 18 pts
3. Love Torn in a Dream (2000) — 18 pts
5. City of Pirates (1983) — 16 pts
6. Mysteries of Lisbon (2010) — 8 pts
7. Mammame (1986) — 7 pts
8. Zig-Zag - le jeu de l’oie (1980) — 6 pts
9. Three Sad Tigers (1968) — 5 pts
9. The Blind Owl (1987) — 5 pts
9. Life is a Dream (1987) — 5 pts
12. Les Divisions de la Nature (1978) — 3 pts
12. Little White Dove (1973) — 3 pts
12. La Recta Provincia (2007) — 3 pts
12. Comedy of Innocence (2000) — 3 pts
12. Time Regained (1999) — 3 pts
17. Dark at Noon (1993) — 2 pts
17. The Golden Boat (1990) — 2 pts
17. Point de Fuite (1984) — 2 pts
17. Colloque de Chiens (1977) — 2 pts
17. Treasure Island (1985) — 2 pts
22. The Penal Colony (1970) — 1 pt
22. On Top of the Whale (1982) — 1 pt
22. Ce jour-la (2003) — 1 pt ... -t885.html

Raúl Ruiz: From One World to the Next
by Adam Thirlwell, NY Review of Books, January 5, 2017, 12:13 pm

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 10:43 pm
by rischka
so that's when i was there - 2010. i should watch that

where do you find all these. you people and yr access ;)

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 11:04 pm
by sally
rischka wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2022 10:43 pm so that's when i was there - 2010. i should watch that

where do you find all these. you people and yr access ;) ... rres-leiva


the earthquake one was okay, but i wouldn't seek it out desperately or anything

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 11:05 pm
by rischka
lovely, thank you!

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 6:45 pm
by sally
verano - josé luis torres leiva (2011) #CoMoChile

ugh, this is arsaib level of 'male director staring at the mysterious wonder of women (as baby-making machines)' creepy

(plus ignacio agüero)

think i have better luck with the non-fic


Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 10:49 pm
by der kulterer
EL MINERAL EL TENIENTE (Salvador Giambastiani, 1919) #CoMoChile ... -teniente/

WIND WATER (Raúl Ruiz, 1995) #CoMoChile
If Shih-T’ao has the first word, inevitably the man from the West has the last. In between, the West Wind, speaking in Arabic, proclaims the other’s words to be nonsense, and declares that what we see in great art is the work of angels. But, in the end, these disparate discourses barely hold out against the filmmaker Ruiz, the man from the Americas, whose images portray a world in tatters. The figures in Las Meninas fly out of the frame, fragmenting any attempt to create the perfect harmony sought by other aesthetic approaches.

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 3:51 pm
by sally
el otro día - ignacio agüero (2012) #CoMoChile

'indoor psychogeography'









Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 1:54 pm
by der kulterer
I NEVER CLIMBED THE PROVINCIA (Ignacio Agüero, 2019) #CoMoChile


Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 6:09 pm
by sally
¿qué historia es ésta y cuál es su final? - josé luis torres leiva (2013) #CoMoChile

it's a little known fact that approx. 50% of chilean movies made in the 21st century have been filmed in ignacio agüero's house


Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 11:13 pm
by der kulterer
LAND OF THE SORCERERS (Raúl Ruiz, 2007) #CoMoChile


Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 11:39 pm
by nrh
shin shin wrote: Fri Dec 23, 2022 11:13 pm LAND OF THE SORCERERS (Raúl Ruiz, 2007) #CoMoChile
where did you find this title translation? have only ever seen it written out as la recta provincia even during its us restoration screenings (it is one of my favorite movies by ruiz).

edit - i think i've posted this here before but some lovely writing about this movie, ruiz & chile

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 11:49 am
by der kulterer
oh, it was just the title translation in subs.
(i am aware this is one of the films known by the original title only.)

not speaking Spanish and wondering...
does LA RECTA PROVINCIA really contain some enigma that resists translation?

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 3:12 pm
by der kulterer
SING AND DON'T CRY, HEART (Juan Pérez Berrocal, 1925) #CoMoChile

watched without subs

so, confusion is immense

i can only say with certainty, heroine teleported herself somewhere

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 11:07 pm
by der kulterer
THE WINDS KNOW THAT I'M COMING BACK HOME (José Luis Torres Leiva, 2016) #CoMoChile



Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 7:28 pm
by der kulterer
VISIONS AND MARVELS OF CHRISTIANITY (Raúl Ruiz, 1992) #CoMoChile ... d-edition/

692. As with regard to heaven, so with regard to hell, man has only a very general idea, which is so obscure that it is almost none at all. It is such as they who have not been beyond their huts in the woods may have of the earth. They know nothing of its empires and kingdoms, still less of its forms of government, of its societies, or of the life in the societies. Until they know these things they can have but the most general notion of the earth, so general as to be almost none. The case is the same in regard to people’s ideas about heaven and hell, when yet in each of them there are things innumerable and indefinitely more numerous than in any earthly world. How numberless they are may be evident from this alone: that just as no one ever has the same heaven, so no one has the same hell as another, and that all souls whatever who have lived in the world since the first creation come there and are gathered together.
VISIONS (S.3, E.5)
SCREEN PIONEERS NO.3: RAUL RUIZ (Keith Griffiths, 1985) #CoMoChile ...


... tv documentary which contains the full-length LETTER FROM A FILMMAKER OR THE RETURN OF A LIBRARY LOVER (Raúl Ruiz, 1983) #CoMoChile





Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:03 pm
by sally
about some things that happened to me - josé luis torres leiva (2018) #CoMoChile
ana's dream - josé luis torres leiva (2017) #CoMoChile
all the letters that i never sent - josé luis torres leiva (2017) #CoMoChile

that's me done with this guy now, his documentary stuff is way more preferable than the weepy fiction

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:24 pm
by sally
como me da la gana II - ignacio agüero (2016) #CoMoChile


Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:13 pm
by sally
rastreador de estatuas / the monument hunter - jerónimo rodríguez (2015) #CoMoChile

very nice doc searching santiago for a possibly misremembered, possibly fictional statue, pretext for digressions, just the kind of thing i like, and the credits are distinguished: matías piñeiro, rita gomes, josé luis torres leiva, ignacio



and in lisbon, there seems to be a trumpet-playing epidemic, judging by the prohibition


Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 1:13 pm
by sally
hija - maría paz gonzález (2011) #CoMoChile

contemporary chilean psyche summed up

(nb i have belatedly found a chilean residing on my unread shelves, alejandro zambra's not to read, which i won't, not in this CoMo, anyway)


Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 6:57 pm
by sally
ocaso - théo court (2010) #CoMoChile

made at the height of the ccc/slow cinema frenzy, described as alonso x sokurov, this is all a bit 'meaning' but pretty to look at and so relaxing i fell asleep multiple times :)




full film here:

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 3:42 pm
by der kulterer
THE LADY OF DEATH (Carlos Hugo Christensen, 1946) #CoMoChile

as we are nearing the end of year, on a positive note...

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 9:57 pm
by der kulterer
for a second time in this thread (viz before)...

THREE SAD TIGERS (Raúl Ruiz, 1968) #CoMoChile

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 2:18 am
by rischka
:D have we had this one yet? i found it on greg's page



esp for fans of creepy dolls. here's greg's review!

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 2:19 am
by rischka
how does everyone resize their pictures. why are mine always huge :|

so speaking of bones i'm also going to watch la recta provincia - it's my new year's project 8-) land of the sorcerers here i come

this is at least the 3rd time i find cool stuff on greg's page that he never mentions here... :? anyway so glad i convinced him to join letterboxd 8-) that was me right

Re: CoMo No. 8: Chile (December, 2022)

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:40 pm
by ...
Heh. One of the two reviews of mine that people seem to take to. Happy to see it was useful, it's a nifty short.