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Re: Poll - how to do the SCFZ Top 100 Poll?

Posted: Wed May 29, 2019 7:47 am
by wba
hi, wba here.

I don't like restrictions at all, and think all 50 films should get an equal amount of votes (so no tiers!).

If Godfather gets to be No. 1 than that's that - and I think it actually and honestly reflects our community (if that were the case).

Why so concerned about our "image"? It's not like we're facebook and have to keep our shareholders happy, or such.

PS: I realize I'm probably in a "luxury" position here (with having some 1.500 to 2.000 favorite films - haven't counted in years...) so it's no problem at all for me to come up with 50 masterpieces which I think are equally great.
I still stand by my opinions on this matter, though.

Re: Poll - how to do the SCFZ Top 100 Poll?

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:43 pm
by flip
so it looks like 'no restrictions' is the winner in this poll, so we won't have any special rules about what films are eligible for our annual top 100 list, and won't weight votes by film views to help less-seen films. that will at least make tabulating easier!

what i will do is:

- post a short note encouraging people to account for the fact, when making a ballot, that less-seen films won't get as many votes as widely seen films, so they should possibly be ranked higher to account for that

- think about whether a different scoring system might be more fair to less visible films

- exclude random hit+run ballots from one-time posters who won't become part of the scfz community

i'll try to get the ballot thread up this week