SCFZ poll: Kenji Mizoguchi
Re: SCFZ poll: Kenji Mizoguchi
That figures. Dwan/Mizoguchi, six of one half dozen of the other, pretty much the same. Hard to even tell them apart with the sound off really. Heh.
EFF i didn't vote cos i was gonna watch one more then i just totally forgot! I GOOFED! I GOOFED BIG!
i haven't posted this to letterboxd yet, so i don't mind factoring in your ballot if you want to vote - the only thing i don't like about taking ballots after posting results is some people might vote tactically to maximize their influence on the outcome, but as long as you're not doing that, i want to count your votes!
sick, ok
seen 7
1. Ugetsu!!!
2. The Life of Oharu
3. Street of Shame
seen 7
1. Ugetsu!!!
2. The Life of Oharu
3. Street of Shame
now up at letterboxd, i went to a top 15 because it's mizoguchi: ... -poll-109/ ... -poll-109/