Everything is Political

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Re: Everything is Political

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he has multiple clones of his dog and apparently communes with them through a psychic? or something. not sure if these stories are true

also how come all these guys have terrible hair

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Re: Everything is Political

Post by jal90 »

Oh yeah, and apparently his whole political career is a divine mission God passed to him through his dead dog.

Makes one think how screwed up and intense was the political disaffection in Argentina to elect this media clown. Hoping this isn't as much of a disaster as it's aimed to be.
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Re: Everything is Political

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well they do apparently have 140% inflation and people here are crying about 3-4%. things can always get worse

good luck everyone :(

yeah 'anarcho-capitalist' is just an extreme 'anti-woke' libertarian as far as i can tell. imagine being a libertarian and promising to re-criminalize abortion :?

also DOG is GOD backwards :shock:
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Re: Everything is Political

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Another Sociopath. What else is new?
It looks like people just loooveve fascists and love voting them into power so that the fascists can then punish them. Seems masochism is alive and well around the globe.
I personall believe that's mainly a religious thing, where people also want to be constantly punished for their sins.
It's fascinating how these religious fetishes have survived and blossomed in all highly developed cultures throughout human history, and how people just refuse to do anything that might instead increase their happiness.
"I too am a child burned by future experiences, fallen back on myself and already suspecting the certainty that in the end only those will prove benevolent who believe in nothing." – Marran Gosov
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Re: Everything is Political

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free speech absolutist cowboy X now suing people for 'defamation'

https://www.dailydot.com/debug/x-advert ... ters-musk/

Mars needs elon. can't say i did Nazi this coming :?

edit: looks like wba is right. Netherlands just elected geert fucking wilders, a guy so infamous even I know who he is

i'm literally back to supporting biden as i've no faith trump won't be reelected. and his reign of terror will only end in his death
a 77-year-old racist, misogynist bigot who has been found liable for rape, who incited a deadly, violent insurrection aimed at overturning a democratic election, who has committed mass fraud for personal enrichment, who is facing 91 separate counts of felony criminal charges against him and who has overtly discussed his authoritarian strategies for governing if he returns to power
against “an 80-year-old with mainstream Democratic Party views who sometimes misspeaks or trips.”

https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/22/opin ... ology.html

i don't think accelerationism has ever worked and trump is only getting worse
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Re: Everything is Political

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https://mskellymhayes.substack.com/p/no ... h-kendzior

2 of my favorite women discuss current politics 🙃

cw terrifying
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Re: Everything is Political

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https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/07 ... n-lawsuit/
For the first time in at least 50 years, a judge has intervened to allow an adult woman to terminate her pregnancy.

When Travis County District Judge Maya Guerra Gamble handed down the temporary restraining order Thursday, Kate Cox, 31, of Dallas burst into tears. Cox and her husband desperately wanted to have this baby, but her doctors said continuing the nonviable pregnancy posed a risk to her health and future fertility, according to a historic lawsuit filed Tuesday.

“The idea that Ms. Cox wants desperately to be a parent, and this law might actually cause her to lose that ability is shocking and would be a genuine miscarriage of justice,” Gamble said.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton responded Thursday afternoon in a letter addressed to three hospitals — Houston Methodist Hospital, The Women's Hospital of Texas in Houston, and Texans Children's Hospital in Houston — saying the temporary order would "not insulate hospitals, doctors, or anyone else, from civil and criminal liability for violating Texas’ abortion laws."

At the hearing, Jonathan Stone, a lawyer for the Texas Office of the Attorney General, argued that Cox “does not meet all of the elements” to qualify for a medical exemption from the abortion bans, at least based on what was filed by her lawyers. Granting a temporary restraining order would require “changing the medical exemption in Texas and then saying that the plaintiffs meet this changed newly rewritten standard,” Stone said.
cruelty is the point. paxton was recently impeached by his own party. note that the judge is a woman - i'm sure they've noticed it too

ms cox had the means to file a suit and everyone will know her name. her OB/GYN, also a woman, is being threatened with criminal charges
Another district judge, Jessica Mangrum, previously ruled that the state’s abortion bans should not apply to people with complicated pregnancies, including those facing lethal fetal diagnoses. The state appealed that ruling, putting it on hold; the case is before the Texas Supreme Court.
i'm sure the good ol boys are commiserating about ever giving women the vote. after all, the offspring could be male thus trumping the mother's rights. can't help feeling like this is their rationale. as barney frank once observed, these people believe life begins at conception and ends at birth. TY to everyone involved in this suit ✊✊✊
The laws allow any private citizen to sue a person or organization they suspect of violating the ordinance
outrageous. hey i've been doing better about not posting here. perhaps i'll swear off it entirely in the new year. it's gonna be wild :? but i'm trying diligently not to care too much since i can't stop reading the news ( a life long habit!)

nothing much happening in congress except: next week impeachment proceedings begin against president biden for helping his son buy a pickup truck in 2018 !! the payments of $1,380 each happened while biden was out of office. what happened to that laptop that was supposed to end his career? hunter has been subpeonaed but wants to testify publicly. after being made fools of repeatedly in live hearings the committee won't accept this and plans to hold him in contempt. mccarthy is resigning this month bringing the GOP majority down to 2 votes. shutdown fight coming soon !!

US has vetoed gaza ceasefire a third time at the UN w only britain abstaining. merry christmas
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Re: Everything is Political

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i don't get why republicans are suddenly so upset about hate speech? i thought they were mad because it wasn't allowed on twitter? curious.

probably more about their war against higher education and destroying our cultural memory while openly supporting fascists

according to trump, jews themselves are antisemitic if they don't support the state of israel. supremacists will decide whose speech is free

imagine trying to take the moral high ground while the rascist rapist leader of your party is under indictment for 91 felonies
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Re: Everything is Political

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case in point! elon restored alex jones' twitter X account today, saying principles are more important to him than money
Not long after Jones was reinstated, Musk invited the Infowars founder to an X Spaces conversation on Sunday. Jones was joined by a panel of far-right figures that included Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, former national security adviser Michael Flynn and Andrew Tate, a social media personality and self-described misogynist who was charged with rape and human trafficking in Romania.

During a discussion that saw Jones ask who left their phone unmuted as they were peeing during the live stream (it was Ramaswamy), Musk asked Jones about Sandy Hook.

“One of the questions I really have to just get out of the way, and you’re probably talking about this already before, is the whole Sandy Hook thing. So what exactly did you say and what is wrong with that situation?” Musk asked.

Jones apologized and said that the mass shooting that killed 20 children and six adults was indeed real and not staged by “crisis actors” as he had repeatedly falsely claimed. But he also argued that he was playing “devil’s advocate” and that he, like former president Donald Trump, was the victim of a politically motivated judge.
and still claiming he won't be able to ever pay the court judgement :?
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Re: Everything is Political

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https://www.washingtonpost.com/national ... ord-leaks/

lovely article about the discord leaker and how he recieved a top security clearance in spite of threatening to shoot up his school and repeatedly talking about his desire to kill all black people. free speech everyone. it's fine for racist misogynist assholes but anti-war students have gone too far

also Saudi arabia is blocking all discussion of a ban on fossil fuels at the climate summit while oil billionaires pour money into trump's coffers. and scientists say we'll probably break a heat record again next year. dissent must be criminalized post haste. lock them up (students protesting for climate action)

PS. a bunch of political writers i used to follow on twitter are on substack and there's a feed there that almost approximates the old twitter experience! yay!!

ALSO also paste is ressurrecting jezebel just when some of us need it most :D

https://jezebel.com/kentucky-woman-chal ... 1851090786

and for those still mourning twitter like me :cry: in memorium https://www.theverge.com/c/23972308/twi ... -elon-musk

edit: great - substack also has a nazi problem and people are threatening to walk :x

first they came for the nazis... ah well at least i haven't paid anyone yet
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Re: Everything is Political

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in a stunning turn of events, colorado has disqualified trump from the primary ballot due to insurrectionism (is this a word :? )

https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/ ... index.html

imminent appeal to the supreme court where it will most likely be overruled. still fun

naturally MAGAs are seething, calling it 'election interference' and 'an attack on our democracy.' trump says it's a 'very flawed decision' :lol: when did he attend law school

trump was never gonna win colorado but if he's not on the ballot true MAGAs are gonna write him in

driving through colorado last summer i saw the biggest american flag i've ever seen. it was embarrassing :lol: what is wrong with people

edit: some think this is a great opportunity for the court to ditch trump since his party is too frightened to do it. however there will definitely be death threats

what a fucking mess. 13 states have cases pending and 2 (arizona and michigan!) pending appeal. just think, on the off chance this works we could be rid of MTG, gym jordan, lindsay graham and a dozen others!!

ps Texas now threatening to remove biden from the ballot for 'insurrection at the border'

maybe they should return the state to Mexico 🤭
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Re: Everything is Political

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gosh what do you know -- scotus has refused to fastrack a ruling on trumps immunity claim, delaying his trial. Clarence needs a new luxury motor home I'm guessing

Trump could possibly be considered above the law and immune from criminal prosecution. this naturally doesn't extend to Obama or biden since they're illegitimate in his eyes

frankly this is absurd. I'm still waiting for someone to ask him to explain why he poisoned the blood of his own family by marrying TWO immigrants. I want to hear him say it -- it's ok cuz they were white.
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Re: Everything is Political

Post by flip »

my random thoughts on all of this:

- trump wasn't going to win colorado, but he might have won the primary. the decision takes him off the primary ballot, and i'm not sure what happens if he wins by write-in votes. i doubt enough states will remove him from their primaries to make a difference, but his chances of winning the nomination at least get slightly worse with each decision like this

- this might be wishful thinking, but i have the impression most of the supreme court (besides thomas and alito) don't like trump. his criminal immunity claim is completely frivolous, so i wonder if the supreme court is just going to let the court of appeals for the dc circuit issue a scathing ruling, then just not even take up the case on cert and let the appeal court ruling stand. and i think there's at least some remote chance they uphold the colorado ruling too

- if trump's immunity claim is valid, biden could do whatever he wanted to do to subvert the next election, even shoot trump in the head during a presidential debate, and could avoid prosecution unless he was impeached and convicted (the impeachment judgment clause means trump could have been prosecuted had his impeachments succeeded). so when trump claims immunity, it's sort of a tacit admission that biden is a decent guy who isn't going to commit crimes to win the next election
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Re: Everything is Political

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it would all be worth it to see trump destroyed in a shoot out with dark brandon. 'murica!!

edit: ok no i don't mean that, peace on earth good will toward men including the losers and the haters :p
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Re: Everything is Political

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actually i think i was wrong on that point, i think trump is claiming immunity for acts within the 'outer perimeter' of official duties (they're quoting an old case* when they say that), and they're also claiming trump's efforts to sabotage a fair election were within that perimeter. so there are some crimes biden couldn't commit under the theory, but if trump won that claim, every president from now on would basically have free rein to mess with elections any way they want to.

*the old case they're quoting though is a civil case, not a criminal one, involving nixon, so i don't even think it applies
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Re: Everything is Political

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lol i just saw the dukes of hazzard guy (john schneider?) is under fbi investigation for saying biden and his son should be hung

i didn't see the nudes from the laptop but i am pretty sure he meant 'hanged'

CO secretary of state reports 64 death threats and over 900 other threats of violence in 3 weeks since filing the case (she didn't originate the case!)

she says she's stopped counting. the judges are also recieving threats, since trumpies are posting their emails and office addresses. strange how quickly death threats became so commonplace, at least on one side of the aisle... can we call them fascists now

anything to do with elections is not in the perimeter of his 'official duties,' those are campaign activities from which the president is strictly excluded and they damn well know it. i hope you're right that they won't take it up after the appeals court eviscerates him
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Re: Everything is Political

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rischka wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:42 am i didn't see the nudes from the laptop but i am pretty sure he meant 'hanged'
lololololol :D
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Re: Everything is Political

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nikki haley's campaign crashes and burns as she (eventually) admits the civil war was about slavery


this happened in new hampshire NOT south carolina where i'm sure she's well trained not to talk about such things

tbf she really never stood as a chance as she has no penis and isn't white :?

the question is IMPORTANT because the united states is an EXPERIMENT in multicultural democracy... never been done before and going rather badly atm

but it's not over yet. best of luck to everyone in the new year!! perhaps i'm terminally naive but i still think we can do this!

Scholars agree that a dispute over slavery was central to causing the Civil War, said James Grossman, the executive director of the American Historical Association. He added that while Haley’s answer reflects the seceding Southern states’ argument that their rights were infringed, she leaves out that the states wanted to protect the institution of slavery. He also said it was inaccurate to say the government was infringing on everyone’s rights rather than some enslavers’ so-called freedom.

“The problem is that the quote-unquote rights to which she’s referring are the rights of some people to own other humans,” he said.
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Re: Everything is Political

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omg trump literally has a fake war monument on one of his golf courses in virginia

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_River ... (monument)

:lol: how does this guy still make me laugh
That was a prime site for river crossings. So, if people are crossing the river, and you happen to be in a civil war, I would say that people were shot – a lot of them. "How would they know that?" Mr. Trump asked when told that local historians had called his plaque a fiction. "Were they there?"
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