CoMo No. 17: Belgium (September, 2023)

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Re: CoMo No. 17: Belgium (September, 2023)

Post by der kulterer »

FROM THE EAST (Chantal Akerman, 1993) #CoMoBelgium

pictures from after the liberation of a labor camp (set up by the labor movement).
survivors (who participated in and suffered from long-term abuse) indolently waiting for who-knows-what (for neoliberalism?? for more abuse??), staring into a void.
indoor-n-outdoor psychogeography of the post-1989 PTSD nightmarish landscape.

servile masses arise, arise!
march forward, chasing your shadows!
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WHEN I WILL BE DICTATOR (Yaël André, 2013) #CoMoBelgium
There is one world where cinema doesn't exist anymore.
The major studios (MGM, Paramount, Warner, etc.) are tired of filming huge big-budget movies, recreating reality with scriptwriters, actors, and costumes.
They decide it would be more interesting to hire extras in real life, and thus present a “real”, everyday show.
In the beginning, people pay a lot to be part of these huge scripts that cover entire nations for months.
But soon, you can’t tell who’s an extra and who’s not.
And that spices things up a bit.
People really enjoy acting out their lives in a non-stop spectacle.
These new actors put their heart and soul into it, playing banal scenes with so much conviction that only experts could appreciate the natural perfection.
It’s simply impossible to tell an actor from someone who’s just living.
When I Will Be Dictator transforms the past until it has a taste of eternity, an eternal present where beings and things are suspended as if in an indeterminate limbo.

Yaël André’s philosophical treatise on the power of shared images playfully refracts the nature of authorship and personal expression.
Yaël André impertinently plays with the idea of absolute power and combines it with iconoclastic humour, systematically diverting the meaning of these images to better construct these different worlds.
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RHIZOMA (Santiago Pérez Rodríguez, 2018) #CoMoBelgium
Born in Medellín, Colombia, he is currently based in Brussels.

LEEK SOUP (Jef Staut, 2014) #CoMoBelgium
An animator from Belgium who likes to draw leek and other stuff.
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BRUGES (Jim Jennings, 2006) #CoMoBelgium
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ARTHUR IS FANTASTIC (Ludo Mich, 1972) #CoMoBelgium
Arthur Is Fantastic is a b/w Fluxus film that portraits Arthur Indenbaum and turns him into a work of art by obliterating the boundaries between art and life. Arthur Indenbaum was the son of an American diamond dealer who had come to Antwerp in the late 1960s to be trained in his father’s business. Soon, however, Arthur found his way into the lively art and music scene of Antwerp of the period where he liked to get high, hang out with friends and play music with his band ‘Live’. At the time Gallery Vacuum was an art space run by artists and musicians Luc Deleu, Filip Francis and George Smits, who were an integral part of Antwerp’s alternative scene. On 6 May 1970 Arthur, with his extraordinarily big physical build and fuzzy hair, was exhibited as a live sculpture in Gallery Vacuum during a one-night show in which Ludo Mich took part as well.
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i'm going to shave - alfred machin (1914) #CoMoBelgium

not as interesting as the last one, but machin is still apt with the engagingly grotesque visuals ... tOzqWCccHs
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in slightly too previous anticipation of next como, i marked the potential passage from #CoMoBelgium to lithuania by watching an old bbc favourite, and i'd forgotten just how caustic and interesting his programs could be (i advise using the subtitles option)

and for any delicate fish-avoiding constitutions, i should point out that amongst the highly opinionated architectural rants and atheism, there are a LOT of pan-hanseatic herring appearances (and, putatively, beaver)
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métaphore, mon cul wrote: Sat Aug 12, 2023 5:06 pm
sally wrote: Sat Aug 12, 2023 2:07 pm cheerless - nutsa gogoberidze (1934) #CoMoGeorgia

absolutely adore all the mildly displaced (from the center of the shot) heroes and heroines, gazing out of the frame
(making all the voyeurs, sitting in front of the screen, jealous because their voyeuristic gaze can't follow)
WHITE FLAME (Charles Dekeukeleire, 1930) #CoMoBelgium

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TWO THINGS: SPEECH AND HOW TO HANG YOURSELF (Jean-Marie Buchet, 1957) #CoMoBelgium
At the age of twelve, after failing an examination, Buchet said to a school-fellow "Later I will make cinema!". At nineteen, he entered the first class of cinema of La Cambre at Institut Supérieur des Arts Décoratifs (ISAD) an art school created by Henry Van de Velde. From that class, he holds an unforgettable memory (no budget, no equipment). Buchet entered the section of experimental cinema that La Cambre created in 1957. While there, he mainly studied sound editing and made 3 short films: "Discours" (Speech), "Comment se pendre" (How to hang himself), "that it will wire for sound" in 1974, and "Masques" in 1959, which he made in collaboration with Marc Lobet on a music of Fernand Schirren.
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métaphore, mon cul wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:21 pm SUZANNE'S FLING (Jean-Marie Buchet, 1974) #CoMoBelgium

this really is a gem that needs to be seen more, eustache came to my mind too (but drier)

Francesco Savio:
With the imperturbability of a great humorist, he stubbornly adheres to a fixed camera position. Buchet dared to tell a non-story with indecisive protagonists. In an atmosphere of ironic passivity, twelve tableaux or “stations” punctuate the stages of Suzanne’s flight from Albert to Emile and back to Albert. The Albert in question plods along between his friends Emile and Victor, while Albert’s presence as an abandoned wreck is difficult to bear for Victor’s girlfriend. Grumpy but amiable, these three “young old men” repeat fragements of sentences, yawning and totally bored. Albert and Victor have an outspoken love-hate relationship with the books that surround them. And in the midst of a proustian flow of words (Suzanne as Albertine...), Victor unexpectedly disturbs the thick layer of indifference with an emotional outburst. The director considered him worthy of a major exception, in blatant contradiction to his general poetics: boring and austere white in which the characters move or cannot move forward as if in a coagulated water plane, but in a very human way, despite the rather bizarre light in which Buchet shows them. Those are the mysteries of La fugue de Suzanne: a description of the crisis of the intellectual, but also an exercise in non-violent, spiritual and lofty recitation. Leaving from the port of Beckett, via the intermediate port of Tardieu and passing Eustache, Buchet runs aground on a beach that is clearly his, populated by grey shadows and palpitating unspoken but no less vivid feelings. The gestures and words have the somewhat sleepwalking economy of Eastern pantomimes, but Suzanne and her “old men” between two ages are closely related to our daily conflicts, to our inner torments. Buchet aims high, but fortunately feigns irony and provocation; his extreme distanciation is not the only merit of this quite extraordinary film.
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There is a garden in her face.
Thomas Campion

the street - jef cornelis (1972) #CoMoBelgium

love these urban theory docs (see also the social life of small urban spaces dir. william h whyte, and rohmer's changing landscapes) not so keen on that era's reacting to the preceding one's modernist, capitalist alienation by invoking nostalgia for medieval panopticon-style ideals of local community, especially when, as per meades' rant above, the examples in the film seem to be primarily geographically southern models - not something necessarily appropriate for the north (at least cornelis got a holiday to italy out of it though, for 'research')

but i did appreciate the desire for the pursuit of complex ambiguity.
(and so, aptly, it ends on chambord, that most ruizian of chateaus)

A tree is a tree because it is also a large leaf.
A leaf is a leaf because it is also a small tree.
A city is a city because it is also a large house.
A house is a house because it is also a small city.
Say, tree, leaf, large leaf, small tree; Say, leaves or leaves on a tree;
Say, a few leaves still or many leaves soon;
Say, leafless tree.
Say, this tree when my child grows up and that tree when I was young.
Say, one tree, lots of trees, all sorts of trees, trees in the forest.
Say, forest (hear: dark, lost, owl's hoot, squirrel, toadstool, tiger, timber).
Say, apple tree, apples, apple pie.
Say, NUTS!




There is a kind of spatial appreciation that makes us envy birds at flight; there is also a kind that makes us recall the sheltered enclosure of our origin. Architecture will fail if it neglects either one or the other kind (providing for Caliban requires providing for Ariel also). Labyrinthian clarity sings of both.
Aldo van Eyck - Beyond Visibility

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les gestes du repas - luc de heusch (1958) #CoMoBelgium

watched whilst eating my dinner



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the marriage of mademoiselle beulemans - julien duvivier (1927) #CoMoBelgium

minor belgian-set duvivier silent comedy (but minor silent duvivier is still 100 times more gorgeous than post-silent cinema) he throws all his 1927 tricks at it, and the plot is a lot more pleasingly cynical than the genial tone portrays.











and the putti continue, as the cause of contention between the men....


materialized by suzanne herself, in the rule of three duvivier seems addicted to...

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vivement ce soir - patrick van antwerpen (1985) #CoMoBelgium

exquisitely observed fictional day in the life at a supermarket. like a belgian kaurismäki in the droll incidents, domestic routine and small rebellions of the menially employed. how humane ♥








and there's even previous belgian great CoMo discovery director jean-marie buchet, playing a butcher

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I LOVE YOU (Jean-Marie Buchet, 1961) #CoMoBelgium


two ↑↓ early (cinematic exercises) short wordless films by JMB


THE DAY OF MR CHOSE (Jean-Marie Buchet, 1963) #CoMoBelgium

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HOME SWEET HOME (Benoît Lamy, 1973) #CoMoBelgium
Jules, a rebellious septuagenarian, foments a revolt in his home ruled by quasi-military rules. He and his twenty supporters will oppose the management, the firefighters and even the gendarmes.
in this remarkable film, the voice of the powerless (Power to the elderly! Jules is not mad!) clashes with the voice of the power (Be reasonable!)

unlike films like ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST (1975), where the rotten regime (of the mental asylum) is not overthrown by riots — the protagonists of the oppression stay in power (with just a few minor scratches), the hero/antagonist is lobotomized, and only a single (minor) character escapes (hiding for the rest of his life in wilderness — on the outskirts of the unharmed oppressive system — not to be re-caught and punished)...

in this case, the revolution (in the retirement home) prevails victorious! (oppressors are replaced, more liberties are gained, the true happy end!)

though, it has to be noted that an integral part of the victorious revolution is the yellow press's participation in the class struggle — oppressors should not only be proved incompetent (abusing power) but also (possibly) caught in flagranti
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HARPYA (Raoul Servais, 1979) #CoMoBelgium
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what can we do on a sunday afternoon, when we don't have a tv? - jean-marie buchet (1964) #CoMoBelgium


horrible - jean-marie buchet (2000) #CoMoBelgium

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pierre - jan decorte (1977) #CoMoBelgium

belgians are crazy





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axolotl - olivier smolders (2018) #CoMoBelgium

too woo woo for me, but axolotls are so cute

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peasant symphony - henri storck, maurice delattre (1944) #CoMoBelgium

don't know when the need to give manual labourers human dignity turned into middle-class filmmakers announcing the inherent dignity in men toiling grimly like beasts, but i hate it, had enough of this twee wholesome patronising nonsense now

here's some autumn shots



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the erasers - lucien deroisy, rené micha (1969) #CoMoBelgium

apparently i've read the robbe-grillet novel this is based on, don't remember a thing (memory is erased) but seems like a minor detective thingy wandering around nice city streets

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cup of tea - jean-marie buchet (2006) #CoMoBelgium


fantasy on the end of the world - jean-marie buchet (2009) #CoMoBelgium

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dock - emile degelin (1955) #CoMoBelgium
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to the sea - annik leroy (1999) #CoMoBelgium

nice cheerful trip along the danube from source to sea. like the claudio magris book without the creepy 'mystery of woman' crap

interviews dušan hanák




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the enemies - hugo claus (1968) #CoMoBelgium

couldn't find one belgian writer-directed movie (toussaint) so settled for another belgian writer-directed movie (hugo claus)
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cœurs belges - aimée navarra (1923) #CoMoBelgium

truly dreadful, as most patriotic nonsense is



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THE SECOND NIGHT (Eric Pauwels, 2016) #CoMoBelgium

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