Everything is Political

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Re: Everything is Political

Post by rischka »

https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/160 ... Vv6RQ&s=19

We're seeing attacks on electrical infrastructure in several states now. The intent is to cause chaos and, like Trump says, when the looting starts the shooting starts. They need more brave young men like Kyle Rittenhouse to start the race war. The one they've been talking abt since I was a kid.... we all know when they say 'woke' they mean black
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Post by rischka »

https://twitter.com/JonLemire/status/16 ... BRADKwVgtA

MAGA the gathering. does ron de sanctimonious have THESE???
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Post by rischka »

https://twitter.com/NikkiMcR/status/160 ... ptnv1x0M2A

trump has also forgotten the comey letter. if he had just sucked generals dicks more i think he'd still be president

latest twitter files is all about fbi keeping in touch with twitter about foreign interference in our elections (under trump)

where on earth would they get the idea to do something like that i wonder. anyway DOJ should obviously indict trump and i'm sure he'll appeal until he dies

https://twitter.com/costareports/status ... ptnv1x0M2A

profiles in courage :?
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https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status ... ptnv1x0M2A


https://twitter.com/JuddLegum/status/16 ... ptnv1x0M2A

oh no not the first brazilian-american openly gay congressman endorsed by glenn greenwald, ace investigative reporter!!

https://twitter.com/justinbaragona/stat ... Xt6t7J_Buw

not holding my breath the morally bankrupt GOP will ditch this clown either
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Post by rischka »

^ yes the dem party should've been on to this guy who somehow became a multi-millionaire in the last two years

also looks like the jan 6th report refused to deal with law enforcement response. wonder if this was the liz cheney stuff people were complaining about. we absolutely know the secret service was implicated
The summary systematically elides the egregious failures of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to predict and respond to the violence of Jan. 6. More than that, it goes out of its way to present those agencies in a positive light, despite their catastrophic neglect.

https://www.lawfareblog.com/dangerous-o ... rt-summary

i'ma shut up now. at least until trump is actually indicted. ted cruz and lindsay graham should be next

https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1605 ... c5cv6btJMg

it's clear the fbi should ONLY investigate the left! they've been saying this since trump's place was raided. same thin blue line people. :x
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Post by rischka »

total chaos in the house now :lol:

trump has apparently ordered them to knock it off and they're refusing :lol:

trump is worried about GOP embarrassing itself!! you can't make it up

https://twitter.com/brianbeutler/status ... a6uFdfdRww

https://twitter.com/Public_Citizen/stat ... a6uFdfdRww

their only agenda is to protect and avenge trump. house rule now that any 5 members can remove the speaker. a gun to the head of house leadership til '24

these traitorous members should have been removed but the party can't even summon the will to remove serial liar george santos. SAD

hmm yes i did say i'd shut up til trump's indicted but this is too much. mccarthy has now failed in a sixth vote in the house

nancy must be ejoying this so much and she deserves it
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Post by rischka »

and kevin is too proud to even think abt asking the dems for help. it would be political suicide ofc. SAD

we coulda had constitution gov't where parties form coalitions and don't totally obstruct each other but NOOOOOOOOOOOO

maybe after enough votes some Rs will support jeffries :lol:
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Post by flip »

because the right wing speaker candidates are just going to use congress to investigate hunter biden or whatever, i was wondering why the dems don't cooperate with a handful of republicans to get one of the few reasonable republican congress members elected as speaker. i can't see any republicans voting for a democrat, but wouldn't there just need to be like four or five republicans plus all the democrats to elect a moderate republican? someone who wouldn't destroy the country, seems like something democrats could get behind. i'm sure people have thought of this though so there must be a reason it's not happening
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Post by rischka »

yes it could still happen. seems like mccarthy definitely does not have the votes (probably scalise same)

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... epublican/

https://twitter.com/costareports/status ... l80xluBKdw

these idiots are more interested in appearing on fox news than anything else. imagine trying to force the party further right when that's how they lost the last two elections :? i was actually hoping they'd nominate trump as speaker, they can't be serious with this first term congressman from florida. seems more like a cynical 'comment' on jeffries the first black party leader in congress? maybe a placeholder for big orange?

a moderate candidate would need only 5 R votes if Ds joined. i expect they'd have quite the list of demands too. Ds just voted against adjournment to watch mccarthy lose some more 8-) all this could've been avoided by winning a few more seats AND/OR refusing to seat seditious members!!
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Post by rischka »

https://www.salon.com/2023/01/05/mccart ... f-fascist/
So if this godawful mess is not personal or ideological, then what is it? Ultimately, it's not about Kevin McCarthy at all. It's about the Republican Party's self-conception in its exciting new fascist iteration (which was forged under Donald Trump but doesn't really have much to do with him either). Fascism needs to be understood less as an ideological movement and more as a movement devoted to the worship of power for its own sake, and also a dramatic aesthetic of constant warfare and performative purification of an ever-narrower conception of the body politic...

the McCarthy debacle illustrates some of Eco's most important observations: Fascism is deliberately irrational. Indeed, it makes a fetish of irrationality. It's a "cult of action for action's sake" that believes thinking before acting "is a form of emasculation." The fascist believes that "life is permanent warfare" and therefore there must always be an enemy to struggle against. That's why fascists love conspiracy theories. Their "followers must feel besieged," and since they have no real oppressors to rail against, they make up imaginary ones.
kevin isn't very smart and i'm not at all sure any of them can be trusted to deal with. they've purged most reasonable members already. one of the 20s demands now is only one member can call to have the speaker removed. so they'll be doing that daily? also they want mccarthy to promise a gov't shutdown instead of raising the debt ceiling so they can force cuts to medicare and social security or the country should default on it's debt.
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Post by wba »

"trump is worried about GOP embarrassing itself" might actually be the craziest thing I've heard in a while... :lol:
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Post by rischka »

eighth vote just failed. hakeem jeffries is about as centrist as one can get - but he won't get any R votes cuz he's a black man from new york :?

republicans proving once again they have no interest in actually governing. among their plans is US defaulting on its' debt and crashing the economy

they're referring to mccarthy as a 'radical leftist' now for not going along with this nonsense. i don't doubt some of this is about ukraine :?

https://twitter.com/drvolts/status/1611 ... -UtlFEkCHw

https://twitter.com/maxberger/status/16 ... Yqrn1HLvoQ
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https://twitter.com/JoJoFromJerz/status ... Yqrn1HLvoQ

ok i'ma go chill with marquise de o :lol:
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Post by Silga »

It's even more saddening now when looking at election results and all those close races that GOP members won by less than 1%. Those in New York and California esp.. And, of course, the Colorado one, where that evil woman won by 0.2%.
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Post by rischka »

could be an opportunity for someone with bold vision but i guess all those folks got voted out.

just 2 of 10 house GOP members who voted to impeach trump survived and one is kevin's best friend

so now they will destroy everything to take down 'brandon'

https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1611 ... TdKGgxBJgg

ok i'm sold on this idea
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Post by rischka »

kevin lost his 12th vote but flipped a bunch of these idiots - at what cost

cuts to medicare, social security and support for ukraine most likely. more billionaire tax cuts. the economy is chugging along and it MUST BE STOPPED

besides once he's in, anyone can call a vote to oust him. we need that liz truss lettuce

https://twitter.com/scottwongDC/status/ ... ZzMajO865Q
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Post by rischka »

https://twitter.com/ashleyfeinberg/stat ... ZzMajO865Q

https://twitter.com/BarbMcQuade/status/ ... ZzMajO865Q

gov't shutdown this fall and possibly debt default. why are these seditionists allowed to hold the country hostage.
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Post by rischka »

Incredible. And I almost didn't watch


https://twitter.com/renegadeDA/status/1 ... dclbA&s=19

Kevin is still short 1 vote. they miscounted! :lol: apparently they're gonna vote again. this is nuts :D

this clown doesn't deserve to be speaker and i hope he's deposed next week

https://twitter.com/ThePlumLineGS/statu ... npPtrK_IMQ

15th vote underway. here's a close-up of the almost fight on the house floor lol

https://twitter.com/andyharnik/status/1 ... npPtrK_IMQ

FINALLY - and they're all cheering like it's some big victory. that was completely absurd. Kevin gave away the whole farm and still needed Trump to get him over the line
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Post by rischka »

https://twitter.com/davidrkadler/status ... wHdkVv6tVg

omg. bolsanaro is in florida and tucker and the usual suspects have been fomenting this for awhile

https://twitter.com/davidrkadler/status ... q7OeIZm9gQ

https://twitter.com/BGrueskin/status/16 ... pBjgh6R-IQ


https://twitter.com/davidrkadler/status ... NxE4FUPb9A

looks like they even got a police escort :? they're in control of congress, the supreme court and presidential palace and police have not intervened. JFC

i joked to someone the other day that bolsanaro was plotting this in florida (coup central). what a mess. some are reportedly armed, hope no one is killed

https://twitter.com/davidrkadler/status ... NxE4FUPb9A

https://twitter.com/davidrkadler/status ... 25CyEU6xKQ

i can't look anymore. :cry:
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Post by rischka »

https://twitter.com/jsrailton/status/16 ... nCPJt3K0Tg

https://twitter.com/jsrailton/status/16 ... nCPJt3K0Tg

bannon and jason miller have been advising bolsonaro. their hope is the chaos will cause military intervention and restore him by force

sad that people will still treat this like no big deal. same people directing the hijacking of our house of representatives this week

looks extremely orchestrated. this is the power of the internet. everybody #STAYWOKE

https://twitter.com/jsrailton/status/16 ... nCPJt3K0Tg
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https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/ ... kIpsVgTpOg

looks like they have got it under control. glad they're taking people directly to jail should've happened on 1/6 and i guess we all know why it didn't
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so americas gonna eat it hey. hopefully canadas next
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Post by rischka »

we're all gonna eat it eventually. also canada is part of america. it is america's hat

https://twitter.com/SawyerHackett/statu ... _2_V6a0v4A
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https://twitter.com/JeffreyASachs/statu ... LTcx7sFHLw

the sneetches is CRT now. this is so so sad

https://twitter.com/NoLieWithBTC/status ... LTcx7sFHLw

sharia law is coming. lucky for all i'll be out of outrage range for a bit
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Post by flip »

i thought republicans believed in the right to bare arms
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Post by rischka »

:lol: ty flip i don't know why i didn't think of it :lol:

https://twitter.com/MarshaBlackburn/sta ... MfpKQzVP4w

latest panic is abt new info that gas stoves are unsafe. it's like they just don't want to learn anything ever
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Post by rischka »

LOL NYT reports today that, far from finding faults with the russia investigation, special counsel durham's investigation instead uncovered even more criminal activity by trump! of course he wasn't charged. also this week head of fbi counter-intelligence who concluded there was no connection between trump's campaign and russia - was arrested for working for a russian oligarch. will we ever know what really happened here? i probably won't live that long

https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/26/us/p ... -barr.html

https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/23/politics ... index.html

just catching up after a relaxing week haha 8-)
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