UN PASEO A PLAYA ANCHA (Maurice Saturnin Massonnier, 1903)
https://www.cclm.cl/cineteca-online/pas ... aya-ancha/
The Chilean film industry began in 1897, with the first effort by the documentalist Luis Oddó Osorio who, in May of that year, screened his short silent film UNA CUECA EN CAVANCHA (A ‘Dance’ in Cavancha) at the Philharmonic salon. Sadly, most of these early productions are now lost and the only film of that time that can still be viewed, is the delightful silent short UN PASEO A PLAYA ANCHA (1903) (An outing to Wide Beach) directed by the Frenchman Maurice Albert Massonnier. Massonnier, with his brother Moussy, were both cameramen who had been trained in Paris from 1896 by the Lumière Brothers). It was a good time for brothers to flourish! Massonnier and his brother then went to Chile where Albert established himself in Valparaíso, a coastal town in central Chile. For the film, Massonnier invited a group of 150 guests to the beach, including some people from the local media, where he filmed them having a meal that gradually descends into a brawl. The film was enthusiastically received and was shown in the city for many days.
CHILEFILM (Peter Nestler, 1974)
A historical socio-political depiction of the development of Chile since the 16th century and until the coup d'etat. The film mainly consists of still images.