Everything is Political

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Re: Everything is Political

Post by der kulterer »

i want to make a political statement...

i was well-fed,
never experienced a scarcity of bread,
suffered no malnutrition,
my teen body fully developed
in 1980s Czechoslovakia.

https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/stat ... 53098?s=20

in 1980s Czechoslovakia,
there was certainly a scarcity of freedom & scarcity of various consumer products
but enough food and plenty of bread (and this plenty of bread was easy to afford).
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Post by sally »

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Post by greennui »

I kinda like that river's in the UK are called 'the river', like 'The River Mersey' for an example. Explain it to me, Sally.
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Post by sally »

i dunno, i don't think i ever noticed that - maybe because the river names are so old and important trade routes that they gave their names to regions and so now you have to say river with emphasis just to show you're not referring to a place? like the river avon in the county avon (although LOL, afon is welsh for river - the river river)...maybe it depends on size - all the ones near me it's the river wharfe (in wharfedale) and the river aire (airedale) but here in calderdale, i've only ever heard people call it the calder (not the calder river or the river calder)

tbh i don't know, anyway now we need to say the shit-filled tyne, the floating turd tees etc
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i know it's confusing because they have the same name but i've always enjoyed the rivers cuomo
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Post by greennui »

Sweden had it's first female leader, for a few hours.

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Post by sally »

yeah i tried to follow that, got bored.
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Me too, too much of a clusterfuck.
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Post by sally »

only in czechia! (the material property of the perspex (= ickyness) being the star of this show)

https://twitter.com/rcolebourn/status/1 ... 0370682880
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https://twitter.com/SilenaMatka/status/ ... 02849?s=20

yea, putin's slut is now famous even beyond russia and china.
https://twitter.com/LILBTHEBASEDGOD/sta ... 83842?s=20

among the locals, the only issue is if the fish tank is properly set up.
and according to those experienced in breeding aquarium fishes, this particular tank lacks a proper bottom layer and some plants (typical mistakes by neophytes in fishkeeping).
https://twitter.com/alenamarie1566/stat ... 78854?s=20

https://twitter.com/TMBKOFFICIAL/status ... 24864?s=20
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the newly appointed thatcherist-pinochetist Prime Minister is moving forward — towards his newly formed government getting its official/legal status.

however, the moronic President (Middle Banana Republic's Pere Ubu) whose constitutional role in this soap opera sequence is only ceremonial demands all the upcoming ministers to come to visit him in his castle/mansion and submit to his stream of vulgarities and delirious covfefe ramblings.

the same moronic President is even making unconstitutional claims that he is gonna "veto" one of the upcoming ministers — i.e. a member of the Pirate Party who is supposed to become a new Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Middle Banana Republic. The moronic president wants to "veto" him because the new foreign-affairs-minister is expected not to be sympathetic to moronic President's best foreign friends (i.e. Putin, Si-Ting-Poo, Trump, and Lukashenko).

this "veto" nonsense is even more absurd if considering that in the past — when moronic President was only a moronic Prime Minister and another President (i.e. playwright Václav Havel, acclaimed author in the genre of absurd drama) didn't like some of his aspirants on ministers — the same moronic President (then moronic Prime Minister) was instantly quoting local constitution according to which role of the President in appointing new ministers is only ceremonial and it is within the jurisdiction of Prime Minister to choose members of the government.

so, despite all these visits/submissions of ministers-aspirants to Pere Ubu are absurd they will still be carried on cuz the Middle Banana Republic delights in absurdities of all sorts.

as a side note, it has to be stated that mise-en-scene of these absurd visits is not Prague Castle (the office of Pere Ubu), but Lány Castle, a pleasure pavilion built in the 17th century that recently gained world-fame due to its newly established Giga Aquarium (disclaimer: Giga Aquarium has nothing to do with Tesla Company or Elon Musk) inhabited by Human Fish afflicted by plague — i.e. a human zoo extravaganza that would be highly cherished even by the person for whom the Lány Castle was originally built, i.e. Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor who fancied alchemy and curiosity cabinets.

so, today, moronic President will be visited by the first one among the ministers-aspirants, i.e by the chairman of the local Pirate Party, the upcoming Minister for Regional Development & Digitalization of State Administration. The main subject matter of the absurd conversation with the Fish will be the non-constitutional "veto"/spell/jinx (mental product of President's recent delirium tremens) upon a Pirate Party member and also digitalisation of the state administration. Because the moronic President was recently afflicted by plague and metamorphosed into a Human Fish — and not into an anthropomorphic Insect as Franz Kafka would have had fancied — the whole conversation will be carried on from within a fish tank (not from a giant cobweb) via skype to another room of the castle.

If anyone from abroad finds it strange/weird/illogical why chat via skype has to be accompanied by a meetup in 17th-century castle, then oh well well well the concept of the local moronic President of the skype chat is that of two ppl sitting in separate rooms (of the same building) and talking via computer. It is beyond his wildest imagination that skype chat can be carried on even by ppl sitting in two completely different/distant buildings.

Last edited by der kulterer on Fri Dec 03, 2021 12:59 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by sally »

wonderful! i like how the slogan sounds like a hostage negotiation.
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Post by der kulterer »

skype chat connecting two adjoined rooms of the same haunted castle was abandoned.
a Human Fish talked to a Pirate face to face.
tho still via the screen.
not PC screen, but fish tank wall.
the fish tank remains underdeveloped — still no bottom layer of sand & gravel made, still no water plants!
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Post by der kulterer »

political slogan of the day in "the country for the future" presided by a human fish:
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Post by sally »

have been laughing at the human fish all day. it's remarkable.

nothing so amusing in uk politics right now. (and george has become chair of the british museum and is only making appearances cos-playing 'august cultural patrician', so pretty dreary all round)
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Post by der kulterer »

the new government is supposed to have about 17 members.
so, expect new and new and new and new and new and new variations on the same aquarium scene (with different ppl pointlessly visiting a leprous fish) for at least two upcoming weeks.
i expect that even when fish's quarantine will be over he will stay inside his current fish tank.
due to his recent liver collapse (due to excessive boozing), subsequent brain bath in toxins & related loss of various remaining cognitive functions, i expect he will prefer to stay in the environment (fish tank) he became already accustomed to and won't be inclined to move to some new (disorienting) habitat.
actually, this series of aspiring ministers visiting a fish might proceed even longer, cuz fish might take occasional (indefinitely long) vacations in between the silly audiences (being overcome by boozing relapses).
thus the whole upcoming Advent Season will not only be full of contemplation of the birth of Messiah but also very icky & fishy.
only on December 18, the anniversary of Václav Havel's death, (i believe) Pere Ubu might get tempted to die!
the antipathy between devoted admirers of Pere Ubu and devoted admirers Pere Godot (i.e. Havel) is so irreconcilable that the mean Pere Ubu might start to play with the idea of overshadowing the death of his antipode — and thus causing even more havoc in this godforsaken land.
however, ultimately, he will probably stay alive and will postpone his histrionic death to December 18, 2022.
and the sole reason will be as follows...
in the middle of 2022, Middle Banana Republic starts its EU presidency term (full 6 months) and Pere Ubu will be still in office, i.e. good prospects to fool around the fish tank (from July 1st till December 18th) and thus profoundly embarrass not only one minor country but the whole continent (UK unfortunately excluded).
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Post by der kulterer »


after humiliating the upcoming Minister for Regional Development & Digitalization of State Administration yesterday, today Pere Ubu the Fish humiliates the upcoming Minister of Culture.
for this festive occasion, the fish tank has been furnished with a big golden table afforded from Quality Aquarium Supplies & Equipment Store.
bottom layer of the fish tank still lacks sand & gravel because the Persian carpet was not moved even for an inch before establishing a fish tank and thus spreading sand & gravel on the bottom of the aquarium would cover part of the carpet.
to show the full pattern of the Persian carpet is clearly the preference!
planting inside the fish tank a few water plants is still under consideration by the executives of the Office of the Fish.
Last edited by der kulterer on Tue Nov 30, 2021 2:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by sally »

neon ickyfishy wrote: Tue Nov 30, 2021 12:35 pm a big golden table

hahahahahaa i love this so much!

some bright spark pointed out that there is even an inverse historical resonance due to the famous episodes known as the defenestrations of prague (relatively famous, i was vaguely aware, now more clued up!) and there were apparently 3 separate occasions when political fates were decided by forced exits through windows. 3 times! and what is a window to the power of 3? A CUBE!!!!!!


even the czech scumbags got style.

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Post by der kulterer »

for those already familiar with the currently budding phenomenon of enfenestrations,
but still unfamiliar with the past defenestrations a little historical exposé...

The First defenestration of Prague happened on July 30, 1419. It marks the beginning of the Hussite wars. ... At the event, ten people were thrown out of the window of the Town Hall: the mayor, two councilors, an aide of the judge, five elders, and a serf. Falling out of the window did not kill them. The crowd used blunt weapons to kill those that had fallen.
The Second defenestration of Prague happened on September 24, 1483. ... Seven dead bodies (killed councilors) and the mayor were thrown out of the window of the Town Hall.
At Prague Castle on May 23, 1618, an assembly of Protestants tried two Imperial governors, Wilhelm Graf Slavata (1572-1652) and Jaroslav Borzita Graf von Martinicz (1582-1649), for violating the Letter of Majesty, found them guilty, and threw them, together with their scribe Fabricius, out of the high castle windows. They landed on a large pile of manure/garbage which had accumulated in the castle moat. They survived.

Prague Castle, defenestration window.

4/ extra entry (either suicide or defenestration Soviet-style)
On 10 March 1948 Jan Masaryk [then Minister of Foreign Affairs, son of (on this forum infamous "translucent pervert") Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk was found dead, dressed only in his pajamas, in the courtyard of the Foreign Ministry (the Černín Palace in Prague) below his bathroom window. The Ministry of the Interior claimed that he had committed suicide by jumping out of the window, but at the time, it was widely assumed that he was murdered at the behest of the nascent Communist government. On the other hand, many of his close associates (e.g. his secretary Antonín Sum, his press assistant Josef Josten, or Viktor Fischl) have always defended the suicide story. In a second investigation taken in 1968 during the Prague Spring, Masaryk's death was ruled an accident, not excluding a murder and a third investigation in the early 1990s after the Velvet Revolution concluded that it had been a murder.

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Post by der kulterer »

and this is another local phenomenon of the past that is close to the current enfenestration series...
The four figures flanking the clock are set in motion on the hour, and represent four things that were despised at the time of the clock's making. From left to right in the photographs, the first is Vanity, represented by a figure admiring himself in a mirror. Next, the miser holding a bag of gold represents greed or usury. Across the clock stands Death, a skeleton that strikes the time upon the hour. Finally, there is a Turkish figure representing lust and earthly pleasures. On the hour, the skeleton rings the bell and immediately all other figures shake their heads side to side, signifying their unreadiness "to go".

Every hour of the day, twelve statues of Apostles with their attributes appear at the doorways above the clock. The left and right windows above the astronomical clock slide aside to reveal the Apostles as viewed from the square in this order: James and Peter, Andrew and Matthias, Thaddeus and Philip, Thomas and Paul, John and Simon, Barnabas and Bartholomew.

Ultimately a golden rooster shouts his, "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"

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Post by der kulterer »

in the past, i said (in another thread) this ↓
neon ickyfishy wrote: Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:30 pm spread of acid communism told in nutshell...
however, i just discovered (due to Melies poll — viz yet another thread) a better (a perfect) "spread of acid communism" cine-manifesto!
having a juvenile first-hand experience with a neo-stalinist order (failure), i don't believe in marxism and the dictatorship of the proletariat.
rather i am convinced of the revolutionary potential of mischief and psychedelics.
and PHARMACEUTICAL HALLUCINATIONS perfectly depict this political conviction of mine!
precariat should not waste time on putting forward all kinds of rightful claims & demands for a social change (that won't be ever heard) and just drug the capitalists/oligarchs (& members of their families participating in nepotism & political elites, their direct serving class) with psychedelics instead.
capitalists with profound psychedelic experience gonna change their sweat-shops (fuelled by corporate greed) into the candy-shops for the poor on their own (no gulags needed! — fairies (and other psychedelic entities, the residents of magic caves) gonna do the dirty job of converting them to socialism) — as shown in PHARMACEUTICAL HALLUCINATIONS!

Workers of the world, unite (and drug them all)!

i wish a revolutionary remake of PHARMACEUTICAL HALLUCINATIONS to be made.
tho, not exactly by Straub & Huillet (rather by someone else).
tho, PHARMACEUTICAL HALLUCINATIONS by Straub & Huillet might not be that bad (actually).
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Post by der kulterer »


the message of the stagnant political situation ("of the rotting stagnant water") in the Middle Aquarium Republic reached beyond abroad — up to heaven (namely to St. Anthony).
St. Anthony is tempted to preach to the Fish and thus he comes to spread the good news among the bad people of the Middle.
forming of the new pinochetist-thatcherist government (with the assistance of pirates) is postponed again.
plague is at its height (the fifth wave specifically).
fishy Middle Aquarians dying as fast as flies in a chameleon's terrarium.

St. Anthony preaching to the Fish
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Ant ... o_the_Fish
Compositionally, the picture is oriented horizontally. From left to right it is split into two halves. The right half contains mostly dark blue-green sea and the fish within it, with boats and a mountainous shoreline visible in the distance. The sea is calm. The painting's left half shows the Middle Aquarium Republic's coastline upon which Saint Anthony and a crowd of bystanders are gathered, with the city and spires of Prague visible in the distance.
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Post by rischka »

https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/stat ... 36488?s=20

biden probably actually won florida :lol: sry back to your regularly scheduled non-usian politics :cowboy:
:lboxd: + ICM + :imdb:


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after two weeks of aquarium nonsense (exercised just to humiliate all the upcoming members of the government) and of threatening with unconstitutional "veto", moronic Pere Ubu was finally told his unconstitutional "veto" gonna be brought in front of the Constitutional Court.
it was generally expected by the whole degenerate nation Pere Ubu will not give a fish (not give a shit), will still "veto" the upcoming Foreign Affairs Pirate Minister, and after Constitutional Court (investigating for 2-5 months that which is pretty obvious) will proclaim his "veto" truly utterly unconstitutional, Pere Ubu will again not give a fish (shit) and gonna still refuse to make his ceremonial signature to a decree appointing a new Foreign Affairs Minister which will ultimately result in charging the Moron with high treason (of breaking the Constitution).
however, to the big surprise of all the nation, histrionic Pere Ubu suddenly stopped aiming towards the high treason, putsch, domestic terror, and alike (i.e. things highly cherished by his foreign friends Putin, Si-ting-poo, Trump, Lukashenko).
instead, he all of a sudden agrees to ceremonially sign all the decrees of all the upcoming ministers (including Foreign Affairs Minister the Pirate) on friday.
not aiming for high treason, putsch, domestic terror, and alike anymore, is now praised by the local mass media as an act of a responsible statesman.
the whole degenerate nation speculates what Responsible Statesman the Moron has been promised in exchange for abandoning the putsch.
anyway, this fishy story seems over for now!

THE NEXT FISHY SEASON expect in July 2022 — the moment Middle Banana Republic is taking over the presidency of EU.
if you don't know (or already forgot) what happened last time when MBR was ruling EU, let me remind you!
"But you have the Poles, Polish priests raising the gay pride flag, or Bulgaria being portrayed as a toilet. I personally, as a Bulgarian, don't like the Bulgarian piece. And I don't like the fact that it's in the Council of Ministers, where every country is trying to do its best when there are summits or councils. But what could we do?"
'Is this meant to piss off the Italians or what?' Ciccio, a young economics student at the University of Taranto in southern Italy, demands to know. We're in Brussels, sheltered under the crystalline glass in the large entrance hall of the Justus Lipsius building - headquarters of the European council. Dozens of curious visitors file through the metal detector at the entrance in a bid to photograph Entropa, Czech artist David Cerny's controversial creation. So controversial in fact, that the Czech ambassador was summoned to Sofia after an angry reaction from Bulgaria, which was portrayed as covered in squat toilets.

Milling about in the middle of the room, straining their necks as if waiting for an eclipse, a group of Italian trainee economists on a study trip are horrified by their country's representation - a football pitch full of players masturbating with footballs, obscene movements and all. 'Is Italy the only place that's being messed with?' asks Anna, another student, before sitting down, relieved to see that no other member state has been spared. At the same time, she discovers that Scotland isn't a member state and that the squirrel monkey shaped like a set of bagpipes pointing with its finger is actually Ireland. The United Kingdom? An empty space - its Euroscepticism evident.

The smaller countries of the EU must often resort to something outlandish to attract attention. It's been a media success, or as it is usually called in cyberspace, a ‘buzz’. However, it was all born out of Cerny deceiving the Czech government. He gave them the impression that they were commissioning work from a collaboration of 26 European artists, but in the end he decided to undertake the project alone in order to exercise complete control over it. 'I'm sure someone was in the know because this is far too big to keep under wraps, with brochures and everything else. If not, the Czech government must be stupid,' a European council employee assures us, preferring to remain anonymous.
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Post by sally »

took the afternoon off work to go get my booster jab, strolled the 11 miles home along the canal, got home & fell asleep on the sofa and have now woken up to the entire country going full omicron PANIC...the cretin giving pointless addresses to the nation, most daily new cases ever, xmas cancelled etc etc

has everywhere else gone mad too?
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neon ickyfishy wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 5:00 pm i guess (i haven't seen it yet) we have here a local comedy of this "genre" called OWNERS (Jiří Havelka, 2019)...
i mentioned OWNERS in this thread before ↑
still didn't watch it, tho just watched the review by an American living in Prague (i.e. by someone from abroad who is familiar with the local trivia & mindset) ↓

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Post by rischka »


they're not just naughty - they're neo-nazis
:lboxd: + ICM + :imdb:


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