Genre Introduction: "The Best Unknown Filmmaker in the World"

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Genre Introduction: "The Best Unknown Filmmaker in the World"

Post by flip »

I decided to manage a kind of scfz bot account for the Genre Cup. I maintain a list on letterboxd called "The Best Unknown Filmmaker in the World", named for an old newspaper quote that was applied to Amir Naderi. I've collected suggestions of other directors who might deserve that label, from scfzers and letterboxders. I didn't have a good genre idea anyway, and since that list contains a lot of obscure films scfzers think should be more seen, I thought to use it to pick 'my' films for the Cup -- but really, I'm picking four films recommended by other people here.

My rules:

• I picked my films at random
• The four films needed to be from directors suggested by four different scfz members (no selections from letterboxd people who aren't on this forum)
• I excluded directors who had been featured in previous Cups, even long ago (no Zeki Demirkubuz, Valerio Zurlini, Leonardo Favio)
• I excluded films that had especially poor reviews from members here who had seen them

So I have a slate of four films now, I've seen two of them to make sure they're worth seeing, and if I get a chance, I'll watch the other two before finalizing the choices. If I win, I'll deserve no credit, and if I lose spectacularly, I'll consider deleting the letterboxd list because then it clearly isn't what it's meant to be!
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