speaking about a frog guarding my strawberries, it reminds me that, while walking the streets of Prague, you can reach a door, guarded by these two elderly Atlases (they are hiding their mermen fishtails in between the bricks of the wall)...
it is the entrance into the "Nuntiatura Apostolica" (of the city of Vatican). above the entrance you can notice a coat of arms with the depiction of a majestic beet and two pears below (what's the symbolic meaning i don't want to speculate)...
however, the truly disturbing things are happening rather in the neighborhood. on the roofs of the neighboring houses are present (in leisure poses) 3 feminine hyksos (with glowing heads). the first one holds a flower pot...
second holds a shield (hyksos' coat of arms). tho the posture suggests the shield can be used as an astral skateboard as well. third holds a gun...
this third femi-hyksos is closest to the Nuntiatura Apostolica (in gun-reach to anyone entering the house, guarded by the two Atlases)...
here is the whole picture (Atlases down-left, girl with a gun up-right, and in between the Vatican flag waving proudly)...